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GitHub Repository: adasegroup/NEUROML2022
Path: blob/main/seminar4/preprocessing.ipynb
Views: 63
Kernel: Python 3

fMRI data preprocessing

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import nibabel from nilearn import plotting import matplotlib import numpy as np import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') anat = nibabel.load('/data/ds000114/derivatives/fmriprep/sub-01/anat/sub-01_t1w_preproc.nii.gz') fmri = nibabel.load('/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/func/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold.nii.gz')


In this workflow we will conduct the following steps:

1. Coregistration of functional images to anatomical images (according to FSL's FEAT pipeline)

Co-registrationis the process of spatial alignment of 2 images. The target image is also called reference volume. The goodness of alignment is evaluated with a cost function.

We have to move the fmri series from fmri native space:

plotting.view_img(nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image(fmri.get_data()[:,:,:,1], affine=fmri.affine), bg_img=anat, threshold=0.1e3, cut_coords=(0,0,0), title='Anat and fmri misalignment')

To native anatomical space:

2. Motion correction of functional images with FSL's MCFLIRT

The images are aligned with rigid transformation - rotations, translations, reflections. Then spatial interpolation is done, so as there was no movements.

Rigit transformation

3. Slice Timing correction

The brain slices are not acquired at the same time. Therefore, interpolation is done between the nearest timepoints Slice Order

Slice timing corretion in python

4. Smoothing of coregistered functional images with FWHM set to 5/10 mm

5. Artifact Detection in functional images (to detect outlier volumes)

So, let's start!


First, let's import all the modules we later will be needing.

from nilearn import plotting %matplotlib inline from os.path import join as opj import os import json from nipype.interfaces.fsl import (BET, ExtractROI, FAST, FLIRT, ImageMaths, MCFLIRT, SliceTimer, Threshold) from nipype.interfaces.spm import Smooth from nipype.interfaces.utility import IdentityInterface from import SelectFiles, DataSink from nipype.algorithms.rapidart import ArtifactDetect from nipype import Workflow, Node

Experiment parameters

It's always a good idea to specify all parameters that might change between experiments at the beginning of your script. We will use one functional image for fingerfootlips task for ten subjects.

experiment_dir = '/output' #output_dir = '/home/neuro/nipype_tutorial/notebooks' output_dir = 'datasink' working_dir = 'workingdir' # list of subject identifiers subject_list = ['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10'] #subject_list = ['01', '02'] # list of session identifiers task_list = ['fingerfootlips'] # Smoothing widths to apply fwhm = [5, 10] # TR of functional images(time from the application of an excitation pulse to the application of the next pulse) with open('/data/ds000114/task-fingerfootlips_bold.json', 'rt') as fp: task_info = json.load(fp) TR = task_info['RepetitionTime'] # Isometric resample of functional images to voxel size (in mm) iso_size = 4

Specify Nodes for the main workflow

Initiate all the different interfaces (represented as nodes) that you want to use in your workflow.

# ExtractROI - skip dummy scans #t_min - Minimum index for t-dimension #t_size - Size of ROI in t-dimension extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=4, t_size=-1, output_type='NIFTI'), name="extract") #MCFLIRT - motion correction # #mean_vol- volumes are averaged to create a new template #normcorr cost - # #sinc interpolation - mcflirt = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True, save_plots=True, output_type='NIFTI'), name="mcflirt") #SliceTimer - correct for slice wise acquisition # #more on #interleaved = -odd #top to bottom = --down #normcorr loss slicetimer = Node(SliceTimer(index_dir=False, interleaved=True, output_type='NIFTI', time_repetition=TR), name="slicetimer") #Smooth - image smoothing #spm_smooth for 3D Gaussian smoothing smooth = Node(Smooth(), name="smooth") smooth.iterables = ("fwhm", fwhm) # Artifact Detection - determines outliers in functional images via intensity and motion paramters # #norm_threshold - Threshold to use to detect motion-related outliers when composite motion is being used #zintensity_threshold - Intensity Z-threshold use to detection images that deviate from the mean #spm_global like calculation to determine the brain mask #parameter_source - Source of movement parameters #use_differences - Use differences between successive motion (first element) and #intensity parameter (second element) estimates in order to determine outliers. art = Node(ArtifactDetect(norm_threshold=2, zintensity_threshold=3, mask_type='spm_global', parameter_source='FSL', use_differences=[True, False], plot_type='svg'), name="art")

Coregistration Workflow

Initiate a workflow that coregistrates the functional images to the anatomical image (according to FSL's FEAT pipeline).

# BET - Skullstrip anatomical Image # bet_anat = Node(BET(frac=0.5, robust=True, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="bet_anat") # FAST - Image Segmentation # # segmentation = Node(FAST(output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="segmentation", mem_gb=4) # Select WM segmentation file from segmentation output # Get better boundaries on white and gray matter def get_wm(files): return files[-1] # Threshold - Threshold WM probability image threshold = Node(Threshold(thresh=0.5, args='-bin', output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="threshold") # FLIRT - pre-alignment of functional images to anatomical images # coreg_pre = Node(FLIRT(dof=6, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="coreg_pre") # FLIRT - coregistration of functional images to anatomical images with BBR(uses the segmentation) # coreg_bbr = Node(FLIRT(dof=6, cost='bbr', schedule=opj(os.getenv('FSLDIR'), 'etc/flirtsch/bbr.sch'), output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="coreg_bbr") # Apply coregistration warp to functional images #apply_isoxfm-apply transformation supplied by in_matrix_file applywarp = Node(FLIRT(interp='spline', apply_isoxfm=iso_size, output_type='NIFTI'), name="applywarp") # Apply coregistration wrap to mean file applywarp_mean = Node(FLIRT(interp='spline', apply_isoxfm=iso_size, output_type='NIFTI_GZ'), name="applywarp_mean") # Create a coregistration workflow coregwf = Workflow(name='coregwf') coregwf.base_dir = opj(experiment_dir, working_dir) # Connect all components of the coregistration workflow coregwf.connect([(bet_anat, segmentation, [('out_file', 'in_files')]), (segmentation, threshold, [(('partial_volume_files', get_wm), 'in_file')]), (bet_anat, coreg_pre, [('out_file', 'reference')]), (threshold, coreg_bbr, [('out_file', 'wm_seg')]), (coreg_pre, coreg_bbr, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (coreg_bbr, applywarp, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (bet_anat, applywarp, [('out_file', 'reference')]), (coreg_bbr, applywarp_mean, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (bet_anat, applywarp_mean, [('out_file', 'reference')]), ])

Specify input & output stream

Specify where the input data can be found & where and how to save the output data.

# Infosource - a function free node to iterate over the list of subject names infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id', 'task_name']), name="infosource") infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subject_list), ('task_name', task_list)] # SelectFiles - to grab the data anat_file = opj('derivatives', 'fmriprep', 'sub-{subject_id}', 'anat', 'sub-{subject_id}_t1w_preproc.nii.gz') func_file = opj('sub-{subject_id}', 'ses-test', 'func', 'sub-{subject_id}_ses-test_task-{task_name}_bold.nii.gz') templates = {'anat': anat_file, 'func': func_file} selectfiles = Node(SelectFiles(templates, base_directory='/data/ds000114'), name="selectfiles") # Datasink - creates output folder for important outputs datasink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=experiment_dir, container=output_dir), name="datasink") ## Use the following DataSink output substitutions substitutions = [('_subject_id_', 'sub-'), ('_task_name_', '/task-'), ('_fwhm_', 'fwhm-'), ('_roi', ''), ('_mcf', ''), ('_st', ''), ('_flirt', ''), ('.nii_mean_reg', '_mean'), ('.nii.par', '.par'), ] subjFolders = [('fwhm-%s/' % f, 'fwhm-%s_' % f) for f in fwhm] substitutions.extend(subjFolders) datasink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions

Specify Workflow

Create a workflow and connect the interface nodes and the I/O stream to each other.

# Create a preprocessing workflow preproc = Workflow(name='preproc') preproc.base_dir = opj(experiment_dir, working_dir) # Connect all components of the preprocessing workflow preproc.connect([(infosource, selectfiles, [('subject_id', 'subject_id'), ('task_name', 'task_name')]), (selectfiles, extract, [('func', 'in_file')]), (extract, mcflirt, [('roi_file', 'in_file')]), (mcflirt, slicetimer, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (selectfiles, coregwf, [('anat', 'bet_anat.in_file'), ('anat', 'coreg_bbr.reference')]), (mcflirt, coregwf, [('mean_img', 'coreg_pre.in_file'), ('mean_img', 'coreg_bbr.in_file'), ('mean_img', 'applywarp_mean.in_file')]), (slicetimer, coregwf, [('slice_time_corrected_file', 'applywarp.in_file')]), (coregwf, smooth, [('applywarp.out_file', 'in_files')]), (mcflirt, datasink, [('par_file', 'preproc.@par')]), (smooth, datasink, [('smoothed_files', 'preproc.@smooth')]), (coregwf, datasink, [('applywarp_mean.out_file', 'preproc.@mean')]), (coregwf, art, [('applywarp.out_file', 'realigned_files')]), (mcflirt, art, [('par_file', 'realignment_parameters')]), (coregwf, datasink, [('coreg_bbr.out_matrix_file', 'preproc.@mat_file'), ('bet_anat.out_file', 'preproc.@brain')]), (art, datasink, [('outlier_files', 'preproc.@outlier_files'), ('plot_files', 'preproc.@plot_files')]), ])

Visualize the workflow

It always helps to visualize your workflow.

# Create preproc output graph preproc.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='png', simple_form=True) # Visualize the graph from IPython.display import Image Image(filename=opj(preproc.base_dir, 'preproc', 'graph.png'))
# Visualize the detailed graph preproc.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png', simple_form=True) Image(filename=opj(preproc.base_dir, 'preproc', 'graph_detailed.png'))

Run the Workflow

Now that everything is ready, we can run the preprocessing workflow. Change n_procs to the number of jobs/cores you want to use. Note that if you're using a Docker container and FLIRT fails to run without any good reason, you might need to change memory settings in the Docker preferences (6 GB should be enough for this workflow).

!rm -r /output/workingdir
mkdir -p /output/datasink

Run with 'Linear' Plugin, for one process per subject, if multiprocessing failed. Read more:

#args_dict = {'n_procs' : -1}'Linear')'MultiProc')

Inspect output

Let's check the structure of the output folder, to see if we have everything we wanted to save.

!ls /output/datasink/preproc/sub-01
!tree /output/datasink/preproc/sub-01/task-fingerfootlips

Visualize results

Let's check the effect of the different smoothing kernels.

import nilearn from nilearn import image, plotting out_path = '/output/datasink/preproc/sub-01/task-fingerfootlips/' fmri_preproc = nilearn.image.load_img(f'{out_path}/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mean.nii.gz')
plotting.view_img(fmri_preproc, bg_img=anat, threshold=0.1e3, cut_coords=(0,0,0), title='Anat and fmri aligned, fwhm = 0 mm')
fmri_preproc_5 = image.mean_img(nilearn.image.load_img(f'{out_path}/fwhm-5_ssub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold.nii')) plotting.view_img(fmri_preproc_5, bg_img=anat, threshold=0.1e3, cut_coords=(0,0,0), title='Anat and fmri aligned, fwhm = 5 mm')
fmri_preproc_10 = image.mean_img(nilearn.image.load_img(f'{out_path}/fwhm-10_ssub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold.nii')) plotting.view_img(fmri_preproc_10, bg_img=anat, threshold=0.1e3, cut_coords=(0,0,0), title='Anat and fmri aligned, fwhm = 10 mm')

Now, let's investigate the motion parameters. How much did the subject move and turn in the scanner?

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt par = np.loadtxt('/output/datasink/preproc/sub-01/task-fingerfootlips/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold.par') fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 5)) axes[0].set_ylabel('rotation (radians)') axes[0].plot(par[0:, :3]) axes[1].plot(par[0:, 3:]) axes[1].set_xlabel('time (TR)') axes[1].set_ylabel('translation (mm)');

There seems to be a rather drastic motion around volume 102. Let's check if the outliers detection algorithm was able to pick this up.

!ls /data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/func/
import numpy as np outlier_ids = np.loadtxt('/output/datasink/preproc/sub-01/task-fingerfootlips/art.sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_outliers.txt') print('Outliers were detected at volumes: %s' % outlier_ids) from IPython.display import SVG SVG(filename='/output/datasink/preproc/sub-01/task-fingerfootlips/plot.sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold.svg')

Alternative for motion artifacts detection ICA-based Automatic Removal Of Motion Artifact

Dataset: A test-retest fMRI dataset for motor, language and spatial attention functions

Special thanks to Michael Notter for the wonderful nipype tutorial

Example of fmriprep run

!pip install fmriprep sentry_sdk awscli
!rm -r ./ds000114-download
!aws s3 sync --no-sign-request s3:// \ ds000114-download/ \ --exclude='*' \ --include='task-fingerfootlips_bold.json' \ --include='dataset_description.json' \ --include='sub-01/*'
input_dir='/data' output_dir = 'pwd'
!rm -r /output/fmriprep
!ls './ds000114-download/sub-01/'
!ls /data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/func/

Example of running fmriprep

will cause an error, first, we have to create BIDS validated dataset

!fmriprep ./ds000114-download/ /output/ participant --fs-license-file ./license.txt --fs-no-reconall -w /output --participant_label 01