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GitHub Repository: adasegroup/NEUROML2022
Path: blob/main/seminar6/3D_fmriICA_network.ipynb
Views: 63
Kernel: Python 3 (ipykernel)
!pip install monai
Looking in indexes:, Collecting monai Downloading monai-1.0.0-202209161346-py3-none-any.whl (1.1 MB) |████████████████████████████████| 1.1 MB 4.9 MB/s Requirement already satisfied: torch>=1.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from monai) (1.12.1+cu113) Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from monai) (1.21.6) Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from torch>=1.7->monai) (4.1.1) Installing collected packages: monai Successfully installed monai-1.0.0
# Copyright 2020 MONAI Consortium # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys from pathlib import Path import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter import numpy as np import pandas as pd import monai from monai.apps import download_and_extract from monai.config import print_config from import DataLoader, ImageDataset from monai.transforms import ( EnsureChannelFirst, Compose, RandRotate90, Resize, ScaleIntensity, CropForeground, NormalizeIntensity ) from import NibabelReader from monai.networks.blocks import ResidualUnit,Convolution from torch import nn import warnings def warn(*args, **kwargs): pass warnings.warn = warn from IPython import display import random import numpy as np

Seminar 6.2 : Deep Learning methods for fMRI data

In the seminar we try to implement 3D CNN+GRU model on ICA fMRI data to classify Schizophrenia vs Control on SchizConnect dataset.

fMRI data is 4D tensor with 3 spatial dimensions and one temporal. In last part of seminar we selected 30 ICA components from fMRI data.

Data from SchizConnect was preproccesed by fmriprep

Useful links:

try: import google.colab IN_COLAB = True except ImportError: IN_COLAB = False from pathlib import Path if IN_COLAB:"/content/drive") # Change this if you created the shortcut in a different location AUX_DATA_ROOT = Path("/content/drive/My Drive/NEUROML") assert AUX_DATA_ROOT.is_dir(), "Have you forgot to 'Add a shortcut to Drive'?" import sys sys.path.append(str(AUX_DATA_ROOT)) else: AUX_DATA_ROOT = Path(".")
Drive already mounted at /content/drive; to attempt to forcibly remount, call drive.mount("/content/drive", force_remount=True).
pin_memory = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

Firstly, we need to download preprecessed fMRI data:

! wget ""
The name is too long, 665 chars total. Trying to shorten... New name is dZndx-jD4XV2UOupXkjAg5iEFaT4yhAfGRDTw4nBc7wG_TERhrAeNyAX_Cq10tnhbjl0twmYuYzASZfIxuYpJA==?uid=0& --2022-09-29 18:57:13-- Resolving (, 2a02:6b8:c02:ca1:0:41af:37b5:1337 Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 17790506046 (17G) [application/zip] Saving to: ‘dZndx-jD4XV2UOupXkjAg5iEFaT4yhAfGRDTw4nBc7wG_TERhrAeNyAX_Cq10tnhbjl0twmYuYzASZfIxuYpJA==?uid=0&’ dZndx-jD4XV2UOupXkj 100%[===================>] 16.57G 19.5MB/s in 14m 9s 2022-09-29 19:11:23 (20.0 MB/s) - ‘dZndx-jD4XV2UOupXkjAg5iEFaT4yhAfGRDTw4nBc7wG_TERhrAeNyAX_Cq10tnhbjl0twmYuYzASZfIxuYpJA==?uid=0&’ saved [17790506046/17790506046]
os.rename('dZndx-jD4XV2UOupXkjAg5iEFaT4yhAfGRDTw4nBc7wG_TERhrAeNyAX_Cq10tnhbjl0twmYuYzASZfIxuYpJA==?uid=0&', '')
data_path ='COBRE_ICA_cleaned/' os.mkdir(data_path)
import zipfile count_files =130 with zipfile.ZipFile(f"", "a") as z: for file in z.namelist(): if 'fmri.nii' in file: count_files-=1 if count_files>0: z.extract(file, "COBRE_ICA_cleaned")
# import shutil # shutil.copytree("COBRE_ICA_cleaned", AUX_DATA_ROOT /'data/COBRE_ICA_cleaned2')

1. Load Nifty fMRI data with MONAI Datasets

data_path ='COBRE_ICA_cleaned/COBRE_ICA_cleaned' label_path =AUX_DATA_ROOT / "data/meta_data.tsv" data_fmriprep_path =Path(data_path)
labels_data =pd.read_csv(label_path, delimiter="\t") labels_data=labels_data.loc[labels_data['Dx'].isin(['No_Known_Disorder', 'Schizophrenia_Strict'])] labels_data=labels_data[['Subjectid','Dx']].drop_duplicates() labels_data['Dx']=labels_data['Dx'].map({'No_Known_Disorder': 0, 'Schizophrenia_Strict' :1})
images =[] labels =[] for raw in labels_data.iterrows(): subj_id=raw[1]['Subjectid'] label=raw[1]['Dx'] brain_path =Path(f'{data_path}/sub-{subj_id}/fmri.nii') if brain_path.exists(): images.append(brain_path) labels.append(label)
labels = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(torch.as_tensor(labels)).float()
# Define transforms train_transforms = Compose([EnsureChannelFirst(),CropForeground(select_fn=lambda x: x > 0, margin=0),NormalizeIntensity(), Resize((32, 32, 32))]) val_transforms = Compose([EnsureChannelFirst(),CropForeground(select_fn=lambda x: x > 0, margin=0),NormalizeIntensity(), Resize((32, 32, 32))]) # Define nifti dataset, data loader check_ds = ImageDataset(image_files=images, labels=labels, transform=train_transforms) check_loader = DataLoader(check_ds, batch_size=2, num_workers=2, pin_memory=pin_memory) im, label = monai.utils.misc.first(check_loader) print(type(im), im.shape, label, label.shape) # create a training data loader train_ds = ImageDataset(image_files=images[:-30], labels=labels[:-30], transform=train_transforms) train_loader = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=16, shuffle=True,pin_memory=pin_memory) # create a validation data loader val_ds = ImageDataset(image_files=images[-30:], labels=labels[-30:], transform=val_transforms) val_loader = DataLoader(val_ds, batch_size=16, pin_memory=pin_memory)
<class ''> (2, 30, 32, 32, 32) tensor([[0., 1.], [0., 1.]]) torch.Size([2, 2])
example =next(iter(train_loader))
def show_slices(image, axis1="x", axis2="y", axis3="z"): slice_0 = image[round(len(image[0])/2), :, :] slice_1 = image[:, round(len(image[1])/2), :] slice_2 = image[:, :, round(len(image[2])/2)] image = ([slice_0, slice_1, slice_2]) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(image), figsize=[15,15]) for i, slice in enumerate(image): axes[i].imshow(slice.T, cmap="gray", origin="lower") axes[0].set(xlabel=axis2, ylabel=axis3) axes[1].set(xlabel=axis1, ylabel=axis3) axes[2].set(xlabel=axis1, ylabel=axis2)
Image in a Jupyter notebook

2. Create 3D CNN+GRU for classify Schizophrenia vs Control

class Flatten(nn.Module): def forward(self, input): return input.view(input.size(0), -1) class ConvEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels=1, out_channels_list=[32, 64, 128, 256], network_type ='Conv', act ="prelu", norm= "batch", input_shape=(64, 64, 64), is_rcnn=False): super(ConvEncoder, self).__init__() self.is_rcnn =is_rcnn convs =[] for out_channels in out_channels_list: if network_type =="Residual": conv = ResidualUnit( spatial_dims=3, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, act=act, norm=norm, kernel_size=2, strides =1, padding=1 ) conv.add_module("maxpool", torch.nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2)) else: conv = Convolution( spatial_dims=3, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, act=act, norm=norm, kernel_size=2, strides =1, padding=1 ) conv.add_module("maxpool", torch.nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2)) in_channels =out_channels convs.append(conv) self.conv_layer =nn.Sequential(*convs) input_shape = np.array(input_shape) self.n_flatten_units = int( // (2 ** len(out_channels_list))) * out_channels) self.faltten = Flatten() def forward(self, x): if self.is_rcnn: n_objects, seq_length = x.size()[0:2] x = x.reshape([n_objects * seq_length] + list(x.size()[2:])) x = torch.unsqueeze(x, axis=1) x = self.conv_layer(x) x =self.faltten(x) x = x.reshape([n_objects, seq_length, -1]) else: x = self.conv_layer(x) x =self.faltten(x) return x
class ClfGRU(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_latent_units, seq_length, hidden_size=128, n_layers=1, use_states="last"): super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.n_latent_units = n_latent_units self.seq_length = seq_length self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.n_layers = n_layers self.gru = nn.GRU( n_latent_units, hidden_size, n_layers, batch_first=True ) self.use_states = use_states if use_states == "last": self.gru_out_size = hidden_size elif use_states == "mean": self.gru_out_size = hidden_size elif use_states == "all": self.gru_out_size = hidden_size * seq_length def forward(self, x): out, _ = self.gru(x) if self.use_states == "last": out = out[:, -1, :] elif self.use_states == "mean": out = out.mean(dim=1) elif self.use_states == "all": out = out.reshape(n_objects, self.hidden_size * seq_length) return out
class FMRINET(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels=10, out_channels_list=[32, 64, 128, 256], network_type ='Conv', act ="relu", norm= "batch", input_shape=(64, 64, 64), n_outputs =2, n_fc_units=128, hidden_size=128, dropout =0.2, n_layers=1, is_rcnn=False): super(FMRINET, self).__init__() self.is_rcnn=is_rcnn if self.is_rcnn: self.cnn =ConvEncoder(in_channels=1, out_channels_list=out_channels_list, network_type =network_type, act =act, norm= norm, input_shape=input_shape, is_rcnn=True) self.gru =ClfGRU(self.cnn.n_flatten_units, in_channels,hidden_size=hidden_size,n_layers=n_layers) self.fc =nn.Sequential( nn.Dropout(dropout), nn.Linear(self.gru.gru_out_size, n_fc_units), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(n_fc_units, n_outputs)) else: self.cnn =ConvEncoder(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels_list=out_channels_list, network_type =network_type, act =act, norm= norm, input_shape=input_shape, is_rcnn=False) self.fc =nn.Sequential( # nn.Dropout(dropout), nn.Linear(self.cnn.n_flatten_units, n_fc_units), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(n_fc_units, n_outputs)) def forward(self,x): if self.is_rcnn: x =self.cnn(x) x =self.gru(x) x =self.fc(x) else: x =self.cnn(x) x =self.fc(x) return x
model =FMRINET( out_channels_list=[8, 16, 32, 64], in_channels=30, n_fc_units=64, hidden_size=64, input_shape=(32, 32, 32), dropout =0.1,is_rcnn=True)
loss_function = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001)
def plot_loss_and_accuracy(loss_history, train_accuracy, val_accuracy, clear_output=True): if clear_output: display.clear_output(wait=True) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 6)) if loss_history: ax[0].semilogy(loss_history) ax[0].set_title('Training loss') ax[0].set_xlabel('# batches processed') ax[0].set_ylabel('loss value') if len(train_accuracy) > 0: ax[1].plot(train_accuracy, '*-b', label='train') ax[1].plot(val_accuracy, '*-r', label='test') ax[1].set_title('Accuracy') ax[1].legend() ax[1].set_xlabel('# epochs processed') ax[1].set_ylabel('accuracy value')
torch.manual_seed(42) torch.cuda.manual_seed(42) np.random.seed(42) random.seed(42) torch.backends.cudnn.enabled=False torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic=True
# start a typical PyTorch training val_interval = 1 best_metric = -1 best_metric_epoch = -1 train_loss_values, val_loss_values, train_accuracies, val_accuracies = [],[],[],[] writer = SummaryWriter() max_epochs = 6 for epoch in range(max_epochs): print("-" * 10) print(f"epoch {epoch + 1}/{max_epochs}") model.train() train_loss,val_loss = 0, 0 step = 0 num_correct = 0.0 metric_count = 0 for batch_data in train_loader: step += 1 inputs, labels = batch_data[0].to(device), batch_data[1].to(device) optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = model(inputs) loss = loss_function(outputs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_loss += loss.item() epoch_len = len(train_ds) // train_loader.batch_size value = torch.eq(outputs.argmax(dim=1), labels.argmax(dim=1)) metric_count += len(value) num_correct += value.sum().item() # print(f"{step}/{epoch_len}, train_loss: {loss.item():.4f}") writer.add_scalar("train_loss", loss.item(), epoch_len * epoch + step) train_loss /= step train_loss_values.append(train_loss) train_metric = num_correct / metric_count train_accuracies.append(train_metric) print(f"epoch {epoch + 1} average loss: {train_loss:.4f}") print(f"Current epoch: {epoch+1} current train accuracy: {train_metric:.4f} ") writer.add_scalar("train_accuracy", train_metric, epoch + 1) if (epoch + 1) % val_interval == 0: model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): num_correct = 0.0 metric_count = 0 for val_data in val_loader: val_images, val_labels = val_data[0].to(device), val_data[1].to(device) val_outputs = model(val_images) value = torch.eq(val_outputs.argmax(dim=1), val_labels.argmax(dim=1)) metric_count += len(value) num_correct += value.sum().item() val_metric = num_correct / metric_count val_accuracies.append(val_metric) if val_metric > best_metric: best_metric = val_metric best_metric_epoch = epoch + 1, "best_metric_model_classification3d_array.pth") print("saved new best metric model") print(f"Current epoch: {epoch+1} current accuracy: {val_metric:.4f} ") print(f"Best accuracy: {best_metric:.4f} at epoch {best_metric_epoch}") writer.add_scalar("val_accuracy", val_metric, epoch + 1) plot_loss_and_accuracy(train_loss_values,train_accuracies, val_accuracies, clear_output=True) print(f"Training completed, best_metric: {best_metric:.4f} at epoch: {best_metric_epoch}") writer.close()
---------- epoch 1/6 epoch 1 average loss: 0.6972 Current epoch: 1 current train accuracy: 0.4659

TO DO: Try to improve the quality of the classifacation ( Schizophrenia VS Control)

  1. Try ResidualUnit Blocks, LSTM block , different numbers of blocks

  2. Add schedulers + hyperparameter optimization (lr, weight decay)

  3. Add augmentations from MONAI

  4. Write report with comparison of all methods +code

Second part:

  1. Extract ROI from fMRI, build connectivity matrices

  2. Train 2D CNN model from MONAI on connectivity matrices

  3. Write report with comparison of all methods +code