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GitHub Repository: better-data-science/TensorFlow
Path: blob/main/011_CNN_004_Convolutions_From_Scratch.ipynb
Views: 47
Kernel: Python 3 (ipykernel)

CNN 4 - Convolutions from scratch

import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageOps import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • Let's declare two functions for plotting images

  • The first one plots a single image

  • The second one plots two images side by side (1 row, 2 columns):

def plot_image(img: np.array): plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray'); def plot_two_images(img1: np.array, img2: np.array): _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) ax[0].imshow(img1, cmap='gray') ax[1].imshow(img2, cmap='gray');
  • And now let's load in the image

    • We'll apply grayscaling and resizing to 224x224

    • Without grayscaling you'd have to apply convolution to each of the three color channels individually

img ='data/train/cat/1.jpg') img = ImageOps.grayscale(img) img = img.resize(size=(224, 224)) plot_image(img=img)
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Declare filters for convolutions

  • The task of a convolutional layer is to find N filters (kernels) that best extract features from the dataset

  • Did you know there are known filters for doing various image operations?

  • These are just 3x3 matrices:

sharpen = np.array([ [0, -1, 0], [-1, 5, -1], [0, -1, 0] ]) blur = np.array([ [0.0625, 0.125, 0.0625], [0.125, 0.25, 0.125], [0.0625, 0.125, 0.0625] ]) outline = np.array([ [-1, -1, -1], [-1, 8, -1], [-1, -1, -1] ])

Implement convolution from scratch

  • We'll declare a helper function to make our lives easier

  • It will calculate the target image size

  • Sliding a 3x3 filter over an image means we'll lose a single pixel on all ends

    • You can address this with padding, but more on that later

    • For example, sliding a 3x3 filter over a 224x224 images results in a 222x222 image

    • Sliding a 5x5 filter over a 224x224 images results in a 220x220 image

  • Let's write the function:

def calculate_target_size(img_size: int, kernel_size: int) -> int: num_pixels = 0 # From 0 up to img size (if img size = 224, then up to 223) for i in range(img_size): # Add the kernel size (let's say 3) to the current i added = i + kernel_size # It must be lower than the image size if added <= img_size: # Increment if so num_pixels += 1 return num_pixels
  • Works as advertised:

calculate_target_size(img_size=224, kernel_size=3)
calculate_target_size(img_size=224, kernel_size=5)

Here's what convolution boils down to:

  1. Let's extract the first 3x3 matrix from our image:

subset = np.array(img)[0:0+3, 0:0+3] subset
array([[39, 41, 41], [42, 43, 44], [45, 44, 44]], dtype=uint8)
  1. Do an element-wise multiplication between the image and the filter:

np.multiply(subset, sharpen)
array([[ 0, -41, 0], [-42, 215, -44], [ 0, -44, 0]])
  1. Sum the elements in the matrix:

np.sum(np.multiply(subset, sharpen))
  • And that's it!

  • We can now apply this logic to the entire image

  • The trickiest part is keeping track of the current N x N matrix

  • You need to iterate over all rows and all columns in the image and than subset the image from there and apply the convolution:

def convolve(img: np.array, kernel: np.array) -> np.array: # Assuming a rectangular image tgt_size = calculate_target_size( img_size=img.shape[0], kernel_size=kernel.shape[0] ) # To simplify things k = kernel.shape[0] # 2D array of zeros convolved_img = np.zeros(shape=(tgt_size, tgt_size)) # Iterate over the rows for i in range(tgt_size): # Iterate over the columns for j in range(tgt_size): # img[i, j] = individual pixel value # Get the current matrix mat = img[i:i+k, j:j+k] # Apply the convolution - element-wise multiplication and summation of the result # Store the result to i-th row and j-th column of our convolved_img array convolved_img[i, j] = np.sum(np.multiply(mat, kernel)) return convolved_img
  • Let's test it

  • Sharpening filter first:

img_sharpened = convolve(img=np.array(img), kernel=sharpen)
  • Here's how the image looks like in matrix format:

array([[ 44., 48., 49., ..., 176., 235., 200.], [ 46., 49., 45., ..., 179., 219., 191.], [ 43., 38., 37., ..., 177., 210., 200.], ..., [ 22., 19., 14., ..., 20., 81., 2.], [ 28., 17., 14., ..., 23., 23., 1.], [ 32., 22., 18., ..., -23., 29., -1.]])
  • Let/s visualize it:

plot_two_images( img1=img, img2=img_sharpened )
Image in a Jupyter notebook
  • The colors are a bit off since values in the matrix don't range between 0 and 255

  • It's not a problem, but we can "fix" it by replacing all negative values with zeros:

def negative_to_zero(img: np.array) -> np.array: img = img.copy() img[img < 0] = 0 return img
  • And plot it again:

plot_two_images( img1=img, img2=negative_to_zero(img=img_sharpened) )
Image in a Jupyter notebook
  • You can see that the image definitely looks sharper, no arguing there

  • Let's blur the image next:

img_blurred = convolve(img=np.array(img), kernel=blur) plot_two_images( img1=img, img2=img_blurred )
Image in a Jupyter notebook
  • The blurring filter matrix doesn't have negative values, so the coloring is identical

  • You can clearly see how the image was blurred

  • Finally, let's apply the outline:

img_outlined = convolve(img=np.array(img), kernel=outline) plot_two_images( img1=img, img2=img_outlined )
Image in a Jupyter notebook
  • It suffers from the same coloring problem:

plot_two_images( img1=img, img2=negative_to_zero(img=img_outlined) )
Image in a Jupyter notebook
  • Amazing!

  • All convolved images are of shape 222x222

  • What if you want to keep the original size of 224x224?

  • That's where padding comes into play

Implement convolutions with padding from scratch

  • TensorFlow's Conv2D layer lets you specify either valid or same for the padding parameter

  • The first one is default, which means no padding is added to the images (what we implemented above)

  • The second one will add padding depending on the kernel size, so the source and convolved images are of the same shape

  • Padding is essentially just a "black" border around the image

    • It's black because typically zeros are added, and zeros represent the color black

    • The black borders don't have an impact on the calculations, since they're zero, and a convolution operation multiplies elements of an image with the elements of a filter. Anything multiplied with a zero is a zero

  • First, let's declare a helper function that calculates how "thick" of a border we need to add to the image

    • The bigger the kernel size, the thicker the border

    • All sides of the image will have the exact same border

    • It's just an integer division:

def get_padding_width_per_side(kernel_size: int) -> int: # Simple integer division return kernel_size // 2
  • For example, 3x3 kernel means 3 // 2 which is 1

  • Add 1 pixel to each side:

pad_3x3 = get_padding_width_per_side(kernel_size=3) pad_3x3
  • 5 // 2 = 2:

pad_5x5 = get_padding_width_per_side(kernel_size=5) pad_5x5
  • Let's declare yet another helper function

  • It's task is to add a padding to the image

  • First, the function declares a matrix of zeros with a shape of (image.shape + padding * 2)

    • We multiply the padding with 2 because we need it on all sides

  • Then we index the matrix so the padding is ignored and change the zeros with the actual image values:

def add_padding_to_image(img: np.array, padding_width: int) -> np.array: # Array of zeros of shape (img + padding_width) img_with_padding = np.zeros(shape=( img.shape[0] + padding_width * 2, # Multiply with two because we need padding on all sides img.shape[1] + padding_width * 2 )) # Change the inner elements # For example, if img.shape = (224, 224), and img_with_padding.shape = (226, 226) # keep the pixel wide padding on all sides, but change the other values to be the same as img img_with_padding[padding_width:-padding_width, padding_width:-padding_width] = img return img_with_padding
  • Let's test it by adding a padding to the image for 3x3 filter:

img_with_padding_3x3 = add_padding_to_image( img=np.array(img), padding_width=pad_3x3 ) print(img_with_padding_3x3.shape) plot_image(img_with_padding_3x3)
(226, 226)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
  • It adds a 1 pixel-wide border to the image and makes it 226x226 in size

  • Here's how the matrix looks like:

array([[ 0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 39., 41., ..., 195., 197., 0.], [ 0., 42., 43., ..., 197., 195., 0.], ..., [ 0., 32., 28., ..., 29., 49., 0.], [ 0., 30., 27., ..., 38., 32., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]])
  • You can see the original image surrounded with zeros - that's just what we wanted

  • Let's see if the same is true for the 5x5 kernel:

img_with_padding_5x5 = add_padding_to_image( img=np.array(img), padding_width=pad_5x5 ) print(img_with_padding_5x5.shape) plot_image(img_with_padding_5x5)
(228, 228)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
  • You can now visually see the black border, but still let's verify it's there:

array([[ 0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 39., ..., 197., 0., 0.], ..., [ 0., 0., 30., ..., 32., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]])
  • Everything looks good

  • Let's apply a convolution operation to our 226x226 image (1 pixel-wide border):

img_padded_3x3_sharpened = convolve(img=img_with_padding_3x3, kernel=sharpen) img_padded_3x3_sharpened.shape
(224, 224)
  • The result is an 224x224 image, which is the same as the original one!

  • Let's plot them side by side to verify:

plot_two_images( img1=img, img2=img_padded_3x3_sharpened )
Image in a Jupyter notebook
  • And that's how convolutions and padding work

  • TensorFlow's Conv2D layer is here to find the optimal filter matrices, but once it does, this is essentially what happens.

  • The next notebook will cover pooling from scratch, so stay tuned.