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GitHub Repository: better-data-science/TensorFlow
Path: blob/main/012_CNN_005_Pooling_From_Scratch.ipynb
Views: 47
Kernel: Python 3.9.7 (tf_apple)

CNN 5 - Pooling from scratch

import numpy as np
  • Let's declare a simple and small 2D array that will represent an output from a convolutional layer:

conv_output = np.array([ [10, 12, 8, 7], [ 4, 11, 5, 9], [18, 13, 7, 7], [ 3, 15, 2, 2] ]) conv_output
array([[10, 12, 8, 7], [ 4, 11, 5, 9], [18, 13, 7, 7], [ 3, 15, 2, 2]])
  • To start with pooling, you'll have to select values for two hyperparameters:

    • pool_size - A size of the single region that slides over the image

    • stride - The number of pixels you want the region to move as it goes over the image

  • Common sizes are 2x2 for the pool size, and 2 for the stride

  • Choosing these value will reduce the convolutional output size by half!

  • Pool size of 2x2 and a stride of 1 will reduce the image size by a single pixel, which doesn't make much sense

Extract pools from a 2D array

  • Let's first take care of extracting individual pools

    • Matrices of shape (pool size, pool size)

  • Pool size = 2

  • Stride = 2

# Define paramters pool_size = 2 stride = 2 # For all rows with the step size of 2 (row 0 and row 2) for i in np.arange(conv_output.shape[0], step=stride): # For all columns with the step size of 2 (column 0 and column 2) for j in np.arange(conv_output.shape[0], step=stride): # Get a single pool # First - Image[0:2, 0:2] -> [[10, 12], [ 4, 11]] # Second - Image[0:2, 2:4] -> [[ 8, 7], [ 5, 9]] # Third - Image[2:4, 0:2] -> [[18, 13], [ 3, 15]] # Fourth - Image[2:4, 2:4] -> [[ 7, 7], [ 2, 2]] mat = conv_output[i:i+pool_size, j:j+pool_size] # Ensure that the shape of the matrix is 2x2 (pool size) if mat.shape == (pool_size, pool_size): # Print it print(mat) # Print a new line when the code reaches the end of a single row block print()
[[10 12] [ 4 11]] [[8 7] [5 9]] [[18 13] [ 3 15]] [[7 7] [2 2]]
  • Simple, right?

  • Let's see what happens if we change the stride value to 1

  • We'll keep everything else as is:

pool_size = 2 stride = 1 for i in np.arange(conv_output.shape[0], step=stride): for j in np.arange(conv_output.shape[0], step=stride): mat = conv_output[i:i+pool_size, j:j+pool_size] if mat.shape == (pool_size, pool_size): print(mat) print()
[[10 12] [ 4 11]] [[12 8] [11 5]] [[8 7] [5 9]] [[ 4 11] [18 13]] [[11 5] [13 7]] [[5 9] [7 7]] [[18 13] [ 3 15]] [[13 7] [15 2]] [[7 7] [2 2]]
  • We now get much more pools, which isn't what we want

  • You can't go wrong by starting with the pool size of 2 and stride of 2

  • Let's now put all of this in a single function:

def get_pools(img: np.array, pool_size: int, stride: int) -> np.array: # To store individual pools pools = [] # Iterate over all row blocks (single block has `stride` rows) for i in np.arange(img.shape[0], step=stride): # Iterate over all column blocks (single block has `stride` columns) for j in np.arange(img.shape[0], step=stride): # Extract the current pool mat = img[i:i+pool_size, j:j+pool_size] # Make sure it's rectangular - has the shape identical to the pool size if mat.shape == (pool_size, pool_size): # Append to the list of pools pools.append(mat) # Return all pools as a Numpy array return np.array(pools)
test_pools = get_pools(img=conv_output, pool_size=2, stride=2) test_pools
array([[[10, 12], [ 4, 11]], [[ 8, 7], [ 5, 9]], [[18, 13], [ 3, 15]], [[ 7, 7], [ 2, 2]]])

MaxPooling from scratch

  • MaxPooling is the most common pooling type

  • Basically, it keeps only the largest value from a single pool

  • There are other types of pooling, such as AveragePooling

    • It's used much less in practice

    • To implement it, replace np.max() with np.mean()

MaxPooling logic

  1. Get the total number of pools - length of the pools matrix (or shape[0])

  2. Calculate target shape - image size after performing the pooling operation

    • Calculted as: Square root of the number of pools casted as integer

    • Why? We need a rectangular matrix

    • If num_pools is 16, we need a 4x4 matrix (sqrt(16) = 4)

  3. Iterate over all pools and calculate the max - append the max a result list

  4. Return the result list as a Numpy array reshaped to the target shape

def max_pooling(pools: np.array) -> np.array: # Total number of pools num_pools = pools.shape[0] # Shape of the matrix after pooling - Square root of the number of pools # Cast it to int, as Numpy will return it as float # For example -> np.sqrt(16) = 4.0 -> int(4.0) = 4 tgt_shape = (int(np.sqrt(num_pools)), int(np.sqrt(num_pools))) # To store the max values pooled = [] # Iterate over all pools for pool in pools: # Append the max value only pooled.append(np.max(pool)) # Reshape to target shape return np.array(pooled).reshape(tgt_shape)
  • Let's test it out:

array([[12, 9], [18, 7]])
  • Works like a charm!

  • Let's implement pooling on a real image next

Implement pooling on a real image

  • Let's import PIL and Matplotlib to make working with images easier

  • We'll declare two helper functions for visualizing single image, and two images side by side:

from PIL import Image, ImageOps import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_image(img: np.array): plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray'); def plot_two_images(img1: np.array, img2: np.array): _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) ax[0].imshow(img1, cmap='gray') ax[1].imshow(img2, cmap='gray');
  • Let's load a sample image from our dataset

  • We'll pretend it is an output from a convolutional layer

    • It doesn't matter actually, pooling doesn't know we're faking it

  • To make calculations easier, we'll grayscale the image and resize it to 224x224

    • That's a common practice with neural networks:

img ='cat.jpg') img = ImageOps.grayscale(img) img = img.resize(size=(224, 224)) plot_image(img=img)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
  • Let's get the pools next

  • Remember to convert the image to a Numpy array

  • We'll stick with a pool size of 2 and stride of 2

cat_img_pools = get_pools(img=np.array(img), pool_size=2, stride=2)
array([[[39, 41], [42, 43]], [[41, 41], [44, 44]], [[41, 42], [43, 45]], ..., [[77, 48], [77, 52]], [[25, 32], [36, 44]], [[29, 49], [38, 32]]], dtype=uint8)
  • Let's see how many pools we have in total:

(12544, 2, 2)
  • So we have 12544 pools, each being a small 2x2 matrix

  • Square root of 12544 is 112, which means our image will be of size 112x112 pixels after the pooling operation

  • Let's do the pooling:

cat_max_pooled = max_pooling(pools=cat_img_pools) cat_max_pooled
array([[ 43, 44, 45, ..., 163, 201, 197], [ 45, 44, 45, ..., 165, 197, 198], [ 43, 37, 38, ..., 165, 185, 200], ..., [ 24, 19, 19, ..., 76, 78, 43], [ 30, 21, 23, ..., 58, 51, 42], [ 32, 23, 25, ..., 77, 44, 49]], dtype=uint8)
  • Quickly verify the shape:

(112, 112)
  • Everything looks right, but let's also visualize the cat image before and after pooling

  • We shouldn't have any problems recognizing a cat:

plot_two_images(img1=img, img2=cat_max_pooled)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
  • Note: The image on the right is displayed in same figure size as the image on the left, even though it's smaller - check X and Y axis values

  • It's still a cat, so we can verify the pooling worked

How do we know if we did everything correctly?

  • We can apply TensorFlow's pooling layer to the cat image and compare the matrices

Verification - Pooling with TensorFlow

  • Let's import TensorFlow to verify we calculated everything correctly:

import tensorflow as tf
  • We'll declare a Sequential model that has only a MaxPool2D layer

  • Note the parameters:

    • Pool size = 2

    • Strides = 2

  • Just as we had during the manual calculation

model = tf.keras.Sequential([ tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D(pool_size=2, strides=2) ])
  • We don't have to train the model

  • Before passing in the image, we need to reshape it

    • Batch size, width, height, number of color channels

cat_arr = np.array(img).reshape(1, 224, 224, 1) cat_arr.shape
(1, 224, 224, 1)
  • We can now use the predict() function to apply the pooling

  • It will return a 1x12x12x1 tensor, so we'll reshape it to 112x112:

output = model.predict(cat_arr).reshape(112, 112) output
array([[ 43, 44, 45, ..., 163, 201, 197], [ 45, 44, 45, ..., 165, 197, 198], [ 43, 37, 38, ..., 165, 185, 200], ..., [ 24, 19, 19, ..., 76, 78, 43], [ 30, 21, 23, ..., 58, 51, 42], [ 32, 23, 25, ..., 77, 44, 49]], dtype=uint8)
  • The matrix does look familiar

  • We can now use the array_equal() function from Numpy to test if our array equals to TensorFlow's "prediction":

np.array_equal(cat_max_pooled, output)
  • And it does, which means we did everything correctly!

  • You now know how to implement convolutions and pooling from scratch

  • There's no need to ever do that, but it's good to know

  • The next notebook will cover building a more robust image classifier with TensorFlow