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Path: blob/master/Gemfile.local.example
Views: 15981
## # Example Gemfile.local file for Metasploit Framework # # The Gemfile.local file provides a way to use other gems that are not # included in the standard Gemfile provided with Metasploit. # This filename is included in Metasploit's .gitignore file, so local changes # to this file will not accidentally show up in future pull requests. This # example Gemfile.local includes all gems in Gemfile using instance_eval. # It also creates a new bundle group, 'local', to hold additional gems. # # This file will not be used by default within the framework. As such, one # must first install the custom Gemfile.local with bundle: # bundle install --gemfile Gemfile.local # # Note that msfupdate does not consider Gemfile.local when updating the # framework. If it is used, it may be necessary to run the above bundle # command after the update. # ### # Include the Gemfile included with the framework. This is very # important for picking up new gem dependencies. msf_gemfile = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'Gemfile') if File.readable?(msf_gemfile) instance_eval( end # Create a custom group group :local do # This is the first way to add a non-standard gem file dependency in. gem 'lab', '~> 0.2.7' # And this is another way that references local directories to find and compile the gem file as needed. # This is the optimal method for testing Gem PRs such as those in rex-text or rex-powershell. gem 'rex-powershell', path: '../rex-powershell' end