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CoCalc provides the best real-time collaborative environment for Jupyter Notebooks, LaTeX documents, and SageMath, scalable from individual users to large groups and classes!

GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/docs/
Views: 1904

Send the following to [email protected]


A brief description of what you would like to work on. See [[GSoC-2017-Project-Ideas]] for ideas.


  • Your name

  • Contact info - include at least:

    • an email address

    • github user name

    • Freenode nick


What programming languages are you familiar with, in order of proficiency? Most of Metasploit is written in Ruby; for any project you will most likely need at least a passing knowledge of it. If you want to work on Meterpreter or Mettle, C will be necessary as well.

What other projects have you worked on before?

Your project

Fill in the details. What exactly do you want to accomplish?