Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
all in one place. Commercial Alternative to JupyterHub.
Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
all in one place. Commercial Alternative to JupyterHub.
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/admin/http/
Views: 15919
GitStack through v2.3.10 contains unauthenticated REST API endpoints that can be used to retrieve information about the application and make changes to it as well. This module generates requests to the vulnerable API endpoints. This module has been tested against GitStack v2.3.10.
Vulnerable Application
The GitStack application provides REST API functionality to list application users, list application repositories, create application users, etc. Several of the application's REST API endpoints do not require authentication, which allows those with network-level access to the application to take advantage of these unprotected requests.
Application user accounts created through the REST API do not have access to the admin web interface, but the accounts can be added and removed from repositories using additional API requests.
List application user accounts.
Note: The account everyone
is a default account.
List application repositories.
Create a user account and add the account to all available repositories.
Remove the specified application user account from all available repositories and delete the application account.
Verification Steps
Install a vulnerable GitStack application
Create a few application user accounts
Create a few application repositories
use auxiliary/admin/http/gitstack_rest
set rhost <rhost>
Verify the application user list that is returned
set action LIST_REPOS
Verify the repository list that is returned
set username <username>
set password <password>
set action CREATE
On the application verify that the user has been created
On the application verify that the user has access to the repositories
set action CLEANUP
On the application verify that the user doesn't have access to the repositories
On the application verify that the user has been deleted
GitStack v2.3.10 on Windows 7 SP1 x64
After CREATE, but before CLEANUP, use git to clone the remote repositories.