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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/admin/http/
Views: 1904

Vulnerable Application

The administrator application was removed as of Tomcat 6. Tomcat 5.5.36 is available from apache. This does not have the admin app bundled though, and can be downloaded here.

To utilize the admin application, a user must have the permission admin applied to their account. The following user line will handle all necessary permissions:

<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="admin"/>

Verification Steps

  1. Install Tomcat 5.5 or older

  2. Install the admin app

  3. Start msfconsole

  4. Do: use auxiliary/admin/http/tomcat_administration

  5. Do: set rhosts [ips]

  6. Do: set tomcat_user [username]

  7. Do: set tomcat_pass [username]

  8. Do: set rport [port]

  9. Do: run

  10. Find all the Tomcat admin portals



The default is set to 8180, which is only default on FreeBSD. All other operating systems, and the software itself, default to 8080.


Example run against Tomcat 5.5.36 with admin module installed against Windows XP

msf > use auxiliary/admin/http/tomcat_administration msf auxiliary(tomcat_administration) > set rport 8085 rport => 8085 msf auxiliary(tomcat_administration) > set rhosts rhosts => msf auxiliary(tomcat_administration) > set verbose true verbose => true msf auxiliary(tomcat_administration) > set tomcat_pass tomcat tomcat_pass => tomcat msf auxiliary(tomcat_administration) > set tomcat_user tomcat tomcat_user => tomcat msf auxiliary(tomcat_administration) > run [*] [Apache-Coyote/1.1] [Apache Tomcat/5.5.36] [Tomcat Server Administration] [tomcat/tomcat] [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete) [*] Auxiliary module execution completed