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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/admin/networking/
Views: 1904

Vulnerable Application

General Notes

This module imports an Ubiquiti Unifi configuration file into the database. This is similar to post/multi/gather/ubiquiti_unifi_backup only access isn't required, and assumes you already have the file.

This module is able to take a unf file, from the controller and perform the following actions:

  1. Decrypt the file

  2. Fix the zip file if a zip utility is on the system

  3. Extract db.gz

  4. Unzip the db file

  5. Import the db file

Or simply pass the db file for import directly.

Verification Steps

  1. Have a Ubiquiti Unifi configuration file (db or unf)

  2. Start msfconsole

  3. use auxiliary/admin/networking/ubiquiti_config

  4. set RHOST x.x.x.x

  5. set CONFIG /tmp/file.unf

  6. run



Needed for setting services and items to. This is relatively arbitrary.


File path to the configuration unf or db file..


Unf File

resource (unifi_config.rb)> use auxiliary/admin/networking/ubiquiti_config resource (unifi_config.rb)> set rhosts rhosts => resource (unifi_config.rb)> set config /root/.msf4/loot/20190825172544_default_1.1.1.1_ubiquiti.unifi.b_740136.unf config => /root/.msf4/loot/20190825172544_default_1.1.1.1_ubiquiti.unifi.b_740136.unf resource (unifi_config.rb)> run [*] Running module against [+] File DECRYPTED. Still needs to be repaired [*] Attempting to repair zip file (this is normal and takes some time) [+] File DECRYPTED and REPAIRED and saved to /tmp/fixed_zip.zip20190825-6283-1merolj. [*] extracting db.gz [*] Converting config BSON to JSON [+] Admin user unifiadmin with email found with password hash $6$R6qnBHgF$CHYrf4t.fXu0pcoloju5a85m3ujrjJLhIO.lN1xZqHZPQoUXXsJB98jgtsvt4Qo2/8t3epzbVLiba7Ls7GCVxcV. [+] Radius server: with secret '' [+] Mesh Wifi Network vwire-111117d211c1c1ea password 113b9b872b1114a9111f1a11ae11cdfe [+] SSH user admin found with password lyxGYOF9UalubyyG and hash $6$37uelU/k$EkJuteQiAIP.CrRaJj4xC9gt61n95FJP3fQuQQmE9TqtFKtmIGsV5XSIJI.muBLOMKMkdlsPl8E3BvjJit.F21 [+] Config import successful [*] Auxiliary module execution completed

db File

resource (unifi_config.rb)> use auxiliary/admin/networking/ubiquiti_config resource (unifi_config.rb)> set rhosts rhosts => msf5 auxiliary(admin/networking/ubiquiti_config) > set config /root/.msf4/loot/db config => /root/.msf4/loot/db msf5 auxiliary(admin/networking/ubiquiti_config) > run [*] Running module against [*] Converting config BSON to JSON [+] Admin user unifiadmin with email found with password hash $6$R6qnBHgF$CHYrf4t.fXu0pcoloju5a85m3ujrjJLhIO.lN1xZqHZPQoUXXsJB98jgtsvt4Qo2/8t3epzbVLiba7Ls7GCVxcV. [+] Radius server: with secret '' [+] Mesh Wifi Network vwire-111117d211c1c1ea password 113b9b872b1114a9111f1a11ae11cdfe [+] SSH user admin found with password lyxGYOF9UalubyyG and hash $6$37uelU/k$EkJuteQiAIP.CrRaJj4xC9gt61n95FJP3fQuQQmE9TqtFKtmIGsV5XSIJI.muBLOMKMkdlsPl8E3BvjJit.F21 [+] Config import successful [*] Auxiliary module execution completed