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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/analyze/
Views: 1904

Vulnerable Application

This module attempts to use a password cracker to decode varying databases based password hashes, such as:

  • mysql based passwords

    • mysql based passwords

    • mysql-sha1 based passwords

  • mssql based passwords

    • mssql based passwords

    • mssql05 based passwords

    • mssql12 based passwords

  • oracle based passwords

    • oracle 10 based passwords

    • oracle 11/12 H values based passwords

    • oracle 12c based passwords

  • postgres based passwords

oracle 10oraclen/a
oracle 11/12 H112
oracle 12csha512crypt12300

Sources of hashes can be found here: source, source2

Verification Steps

  1. Have at least one user with a database password hash in the database

  2. Start msfconsole

  3. Do: use auxiliary/analyze/crack_databases

  4. Do: set cracker of choice

  5. Do: run

  6. You should hopefully crack a password.



Use john the ripper (default).


Use hashcat.



The path to a John config file (JtR option: --config). Default is metasploit-framework/data/john.conf


The absolute path to the cracker executable. Default behavior is to search path.


The path to an optional custom wordlist. This file is added to the new wordlist which may include the other USE items like USE_CREDS, and have MUTATE or KORELOGIC applied to it.


This option will prevent deletion of the wordlist and file containing hashes. This may be useful for running the hashes through john if it wasn't cracked, or for debugging. Default is false.


This option will set how many forks to use on john the ripper. Default is 1 (no forking).


Run the cracker in incremental mode. Default is true


The max-run-time for each iteration of cracking.


Apply the KoreLogic rules to Wordlist Mode (slower). Default is false.


Crack MSSQL hashes. Default is true.


Crack MySQL hashes. Default is true.


Apply common mutations to the Wordlist (SLOW). Mutations are:

  • '@' => 'a'

  • '0' => 'o'

  • '3' => 'e'

  • '$' => 's'

  • '7' => 't'

  • '1' => 'l'

  • '5' => 's'

Default is false.


Crack oracle hashes. Default is true.


Crack postgres hashes. Default is true.


The path to a John POT file (JtR option: --pot) to use instead. The pot file is the data file which records cracked password hashes. Kali linux's default location is /root/.john/john.pot. Default is ~/.msf4/john.pot.


Show the command being used run from the command line for debugging. Default is false


Use existing credential data saved in the database. Default is true.


Use looted database schema info to seed the wordlist. This includes the Database Name, each Table Name, and each Column Name. If the DB is MSSQL, the Instance Name is also used. Default is true.


Use the default metasploit wordlist in metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/password.lst. Default is true.


Seed the wordlist with hostnames from the workspace. Default is true.


Use the Common Root Words Wordlist in metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/common_roots.txt. Default is true.


Run the cracker in dictionary/wordlist mode. Default is true


Sample Data

The following is data which can be used to test integration, including adding entries to a wordlist and pot file to test various aspects of the cracker.

creds add user:mssql05_toto hash:0x01004086CEB6BF932BC4151A1AF1F13CD17301D70816A8886908 jtr:mssql05 creds add user:mssql_foo hash:0x0100A607BA7C54A24D17B565C59F1743776A10250F581D482DA8B6D6261460D3F53B279$ creds add user:mssql12_Password1! hash:0x0200F733058A07892C5CACE899768F89965F6BD1DED7955FE89E1C9A10E278$ creds add user:mysql_probe hash:445ff82636a7ba59 jtr:mysql creds add user:mysql-sha1_tere hash:*5AD8F88516BD021DD43F171E2C785C69F8E54ADB jtr:mysql-sha1 ## oracle (10) uses usernames in the hashing, so we can't override that here creds add user:simon hash:4F8BC1809CB2AF77 jtr:des,oracle creds add user:SYSTEM hash:9EEDFA0AD26C6D52 jtr:des,oracle ## oracle 11/12 H value, username is used creds add user:DEMO hash:'S:8F2D65FB5547B71C8DA3760F10960428CD307B1C6271691FC55C1F56554A;H:DC9894A01797$ ## oracle 11/12 uses a LONG format, see lib/msf/core/auxiliary/jtr.rb creds add user:oracle11_epsilon hash:'S:8F2D65FB5547B71C8DA3760F10960428CD307B1C6271691FC55C1F56554A;H:$ creds add user:oracle12c_epsilon hash:'H:DC9894A01797D91D92ECA1DA66242209;T:E3243B98974159CC24FD2C9A8B3$ ##postgres uses username, so we can't override that here creds add user:example postgres:md5be86a79bf2043622d58d5453c47d4860 creds add user:example postgres:md5be86a79bf20fake2d58d5453c47d4860 echo "" > /root/.msf4/john.pot echo "fakeV6xlcXxRM:55" >> /root/.msf4/john.pot echo "md5be86a79bf20fake2d58d5453c47d4860:password" >> /root/.msf4/john.pot echo "\$1\$O3JMY.Tw\$AdLnLjQ/5jXF9.fakegHv/:password" >> /root/.msf4/john.pot echo "test" > /tmp/wordlist echo "password" >> /tmp/wordlist echo "toto" >> /tmp/wordlist echo "foo" >> /tmp/wordlist echo "tere" >> /tmp/wordlist echo "Password1\!" >> /tmp/wordlist echo "system" >> /tmp/wordlist echo "simon" >> /tmp/wordlist echo "A" >> /tmp/wordlist echo "THALES" >> /tmp/wordlist echo "probe" >> /tmp/wordlist echo "epsilon" >> /tmp/wordlist echo "t\!" >> /tmp/wordlist

John the Ripper

We'll set ITERATION_TIMEOUT 60 for a quick crack, and ShowCommand true for easy debugging.

resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg CUSTOM_WORDLIST /tmp/wordlist CUSTOM_WORDLIST => /tmp/wordlist resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg ShowCommand true ShowCommand => true resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_DEFAULT_WORDLIST false USE_DEFAULT_WORDLIST => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg DeleteTempFiles false DeleteTempFiles => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_CREDS false USE_CREDS => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_DB_INFO false USE_DB_INFO => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_HOSTNAMES false USE_HOSTNAMES => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_ROOT_WORDS false USE_ROOT_WORDS => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg ITERATION_TIMEOUT 60 ITERATION_TIMEOUT => 60 resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> use auxiliary/analyze/crack_databases resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> run [+] john Version Detected: 1.9.0-jumbo-1 OMP [*] Hashes Written out to /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb [*] Wordlist file written out to /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 [*] Checking mssql hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking mssql hashes in single mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=RiixU30Z --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Warning: no OpenMP support for this hash type, consider --fork=8 Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:44) 50.00g/s 400.0p/s 400.0c/s 400.0C/s TEST3:::..FOO Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed [*] Cracking mssql hashes in normal mode [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=RiixU30Z --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mssql hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=RiixU30Z --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mssql hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=RiixU30Z --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mssql hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=RiixU30Z --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1357 mssql mssql_foo FOO Single [*] Checking mssql05 hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking mssql05 hashes in single mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=3FMqTSQB --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql05 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Warning: no OpenMP support for this hash type, consider --fork=8 Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 2g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:44) 100.0g/s 400.0p/s 800.0c/s 800.0C/s Use the "--show --format=mssql05" options to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed [*] Cracking mssql05 hashes in normal mode [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=3FMqTSQB --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql05 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mssql05 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=3FMqTSQB --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql05 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mssql05 hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=3FMqTSQB --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql05 --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mssql05 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=3FMqTSQB --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql05 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1356 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Single 1357 mssql mssql_foo FOO Single [*] Checking mssql12 hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking mssql12 hashes in single mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=Hgkng17W --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql12 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Will run 8 OpenMP threads Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:44) 50.00g/s 409600p/s 409600c/s 409600C/s test3:::..Password1\!99 Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed [*] Cracking mssql12 hashes in normal mode [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=Hgkng17W --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql12 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mssql12 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=Hgkng17W --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql12 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mssql12 hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=Hgkng17W --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql12 --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mssql12 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=Hgkng17W --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mssql12 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1356 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Single 1357 mssql mssql_foo FOO Single 1358 mssql12 mssql12_Password1! Password1! Single [*] Checking mysql hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking mysql hashes in single mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=8zGhJlFs --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mysql --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Warning: no OpenMP support for this hash type, consider --fork=8 Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:45) 100.0g/s 51200p/s 51200c/s 51200C/s test3:::..est3::: Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed [*] Cracking mysql hashes in normal mode [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=8zGhJlFs --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mysql --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mysql hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=8zGhJlFs --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mysql --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mysql hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=8zGhJlFs --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mysql --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mysql hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=8zGhJlFs --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mysql --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1356 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Single 1357 mssql mssql_foo FOO Single 1358 mssql12 mssql12_Password1! Password1! Single 1359 mysql mysql_probe probe Single [*] Checking mysql-sha1 hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking mysql-sha1 hashes in single mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=nJ1VeTcl --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mysql-sha1 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Warning: no OpenMP support for this hash type, consider --fork=8 Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:45) 100.0g/s 1600p/s 1600c/s 1600C/s tere..probe Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed [*] Cracking mysql-sha1 hashes in normal mode [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=nJ1VeTcl --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mysql-sha1 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mysql-sha1 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=nJ1VeTcl --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mysql-sha1 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mysql-sha1 hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=nJ1VeTcl --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mysql-sha1 --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking mysql-sha1 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=nJ1VeTcl --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=mysql-sha1 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1356 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Single 1357 mssql mssql_foo FOO Single 1358 mssql12 mssql12_Password1! Password1! Single 1359 mysql mysql_probe probe Single 1360 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Single [*] Checking oracle hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking oracle hashes in single mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=MEvIkaAE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Will run 8 OpenMP threads Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 2g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:45) 66.66g/s 364200p/s 1092Kc/s 1092KC/s TEST3:::..T1900 Use the "--show --format=oracle" options to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed [*] Cracking oracle hashes in normal mode [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=MEvIkaAE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Will run 8 OpenMP threads Proceeding with single, rules:Single Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status Warning: Only 6 candidates buffered for the current salt, minimum 8 needed for performance. Warning: Only 7 candidates buffered for the current salt, minimum 8 needed for performance. Almost done: Processing the remaining buffered candidate passwords, if any. Proceeding with wordlist:/usr/share/john/password.lst, rules:Wordlist Proceeding with incremental:ASCII Warning: mixed-case charset, but the current hash type is case-insensitive; some candidate passwords may be unnecessarily tried more than once. 0g 0:00:01:00 3/3 0g/s 2705Kp/s 2705Kc/s 2705KC/s LML489..LST0WO Session stopped (max run-time reached) [*] Cracking oracle hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=MEvIkaAE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Will run 8 OpenMP threads Proceeding with single, rules:Single Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status Warning: Only 6 candidates buffered for the current salt, minimum 8 needed for performance. Warning: Only 7 candidates buffered for the current salt, minimum 8 needed for performance. Almost done: Processing the remaining buffered candidate passwords, if any. Proceeding with wordlist:/usr/share/john/password.lst, rules:Wordlist Proceeding with incremental:ASCII Warning: mixed-case charset, but the current hash type is case-insensitive; some candidate passwords may be unnecessarily tried more than once. 0g 0:00:01:00 3/3 0g/s 2700Kp/s 2700Kc/s 2700KC/s CKS5ER..CGE0DW Session stopped (max run-time reached) [*] Cracking oracle hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=MEvIkaAE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Will run 8 OpenMP threads Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 0g 0:00:01:00 0g/s 2880Kp/s 2880Kc/s 2880KC/s 225486472..229896168 Session stopped (max run-time reached) [*] Cracking oracle hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=MEvIkaAE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Will run 8 OpenMP threads Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 0g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:48) 0g/s 16700p/s 16700c/s 16700C/s TEST3:::..HASHCATING Session completed [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1356 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Single 1357 mssql mssql_foo FOO Single 1358 mssql12 mssql12_Password1! Password1! Single 1359 mysql mysql_probe probe Single 1360 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Single 1361 oracle simon A Single 1362 oracle SYSTEM THALES Single [*] Checking dynamic_1506 hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking dynamic_1506 hashes in single mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=A4uwmyRE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=dynamic_1506 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking dynamic_1506 hashes in normal mode [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=A4uwmyRE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=dynamic_1506 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking dynamic_1506 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=A4uwmyRE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=dynamic_1506 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking dynamic_1506 hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=A4uwmyRE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=dynamic_1506 --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking dynamic_1506 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=A4uwmyRE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=dynamic_1506 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1356 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Single 1357 mssql mssql_foo FOO Single 1358 mssql12 mssql12_Password1! Password1! Single 1359 mysql mysql_probe probe Single 1360 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Single 1361 oracle simon A Single 1362 oracle SYSTEM THALES Single [*] Checking raw-sha1,oracle hashes already cracked... Unknown ciphertext format name requested [*] Cracking raw-sha1,oracle hashes in single mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=olCLdt27 --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=raw-sha1,oracle --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Unknown ciphertext format name requested Unknown ciphertext format name requested [*] Cracking raw-sha1,oracle hashes in normal mode [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=olCLdt27 --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=raw-sha1,oracle --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Unknown ciphertext format name requested Unknown ciphertext format name requested [*] Cracking raw-sha1,oracle hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=olCLdt27 --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=raw-sha1,oracle --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Unknown ciphertext format name requested Unknown ciphertext format name requested [*] Cracking raw-sha1,oracle hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=olCLdt27 --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=raw-sha1,oracle --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Unknown ciphertext format name requested Unknown ciphertext format name requested [*] Cracking raw-sha1,oracle hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=olCLdt27 --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=raw-sha1,oracle --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Unknown ciphertext format name requested Unknown ciphertext format name requested [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1356 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Single 1357 mssql mssql_foo FOO Single 1358 mssql12 mssql12_Password1! Password1! Single 1359 mysql mysql_probe probe Single 1360 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Single 1361 oracle simon A Single 1362 oracle SYSTEM THALES Single [*] Checking oracle11 hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking oracle11 hashes in single mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=sYHhhqvp --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle11 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Warning: no OpenMP support for this hash type, consider --fork=8 Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:48) 100.0g/s 2400p/s 2400c/s 2400C/s epsilon..Buddahh Warning: passwords printed above might not be all those cracked Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed [*] Cracking oracle11 hashes in normal mode [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=sYHhhqvp --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle11 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking oracle11 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=sYHhhqvp --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle11 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking oracle11 hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=sYHhhqvp --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle11 --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking oracle11 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=sYHhhqvp --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle11 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1356 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Single 1357 mssql mssql_foo FOO Single 1358 mssql12 mssql12_Password1! Password1! Single 1359 mysql mysql_probe probe Single 1360 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Single 1361 oracle simon A Single 1362 oracle SYSTEM THALES Single 1363 oracle11 DEMO epsilon Single 1364 oracle11 oracle11_epsilon epsilon Single [*] Checking oracle12c hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking oracle12c hashes in single mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=glBBUtZH --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle12c --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Will run 8 OpenMP threads Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:48) 16.66g/s 2133p/s 2133c/s 2133C/s test3:::..password0 Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed [*] Cracking oracle12c hashes in normal mode [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=glBBUtZH --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle12c --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking oracle12c hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=glBBUtZH --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle12c --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking oracle12c hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=glBBUtZH --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle12c --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking oracle12c hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=glBBUtZH --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=oracle12c --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1356 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Single 1357 mssql mssql_foo FOO Single 1358 mssql12 mssql12_Password1! Password1! Single 1359 mysql mysql_probe probe Single 1360 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Single 1361 oracle simon A Single 1362 oracle SYSTEM THALES Single 1363 oracle11 DEMO epsilon Single 1364 oracle11 oracle11_epsilon epsilon Single 1365 oracle12c oracle12c_epsilon epsilon Single [*] Checking dynamic_1034 hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking dynamic_1034 hashes in single mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=Ici8lKLE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=dynamic_1034 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=single --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 Warning: no OpenMP support for this hash type, consider --fork=8 Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2019-05-31 15:48) 50.00g/s 168000p/s 168000c/s 168000C/s test3:::..:::3tset4 Use the "--show --format=dynamic_1034" options to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed [*] Cracking dynamic_1034 hashes in normal mode [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=Ici8lKLE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=dynamic_1034 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking dynamic_1034 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=Ici8lKLE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=dynamic_1034 --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking dynamic_1034 hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=Ici8lKLE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=dynamic_1034 --incremental=Digits --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [*] Cracking dynamic_1034 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/sbin/john --session=Ici8lKLE --nolog --config=/root/metasploit-framework/data/jtr/john.conf --pot=/root/.msf4/john.pot --format=dynamic_1034 --wordlist=/tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29358-11uv1t0 --rules=wordlist --max-run-time=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29358-125bmsb Using default input encoding: UTF-8 [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1356 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Single 1357 mssql mssql_foo FOO Single 1358 mssql12 mssql12_Password1! Password1! Single 1359 mysql mysql_probe probe Single 1360 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Single 1361 oracle simon A Single 1362 oracle SYSTEM THALES Single 1363 oracle11 DEMO epsilon Single 1364 oracle11 oracle11_epsilon epsilon Single 1365 oracle12c oracle12c_epsilon epsilon Single 1366 dynamic_1034 example password Single [*] Auxiliary module execution completed resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> creds Credentials =========== host origin service public private realm private_type JtR Format ---- ------ ------- ------ ------- ----- ------------ ---------- mssql_foo foo Password oracle12c_epsilon epsilon Password DEMO epsilon Password oracle11_epsilon S:8F2D65FB5547B71C8DA3760F10960428CD307B1C6271691FC55C1F56554A;H:DC9894A01797D91D92ECA1DA66242209;T:23D1F8CAC9001F69630ED2DD8DF67DD3BE5C470B5EA97B622F757FE102D8BF14BEDC94A3CC046D10858D885DB656DC0CBF899A79CD8C76B788744844CADE54EEEB4FDEC478FB7C7CBFBBAC57BA3EF22C Nonreplayable hash raw-sha1,oracle example md5be86a79bf2043622d58d5453c47d4860 Postgres md5 raw-md5,postgres simon A Password SYSTEM THALES Password mssql12_Password1! 0x0200F733058A07892C5CACE899768F89965F6BD1DED7955FE89E1C9A10E27849B0B213B5CE92CC9347ECCB34C3EFADAF2FD99BFFECD8D9150DD6AACB5D409A9D2652A4E0AF16 Nonreplayable hash mssql12 mysql-sha1_tere tere Password mysql_probe 445ff82636a7ba59 Nonreplayable hash mysql mssql_foo 0x0100A607BA7C54A24D17B565C59F1743776A10250F581D482DA8B6D6261460D3F53B279CC6913CE747006A2E3254 Nonreplayable hash mssql example password Password mssql12_Password1! Password1! Password simon 4F8BC1809CB2AF77 Nonreplayable hash des,oracle mssql05_toto toto Password oracle11_epsilon epsilon Password mssql_foo FOO Password SYSTEM 9EEDFA0AD26C6D52 Nonreplayable hash des,oracle mssql05_toto 0x01004086CEB6BF932BC4151A1AF1F13CD17301D70816A8886908 Nonreplayable hash mssql05 DEMO S:8F2D65FB5547B71C8DA3760F10960428CD307B1C6271691FC55C1F56554A;H:DC9894A01797D91D92ECA1DA66242209;T:23D1F8CAC9001F69630ED2DD8DF67DD3BE5C470B5EA97B622F757FE102D8BF14BEDC94A3CC046D10858D885DB656DC0CBF899A79CD8C76B788744844CADE54EEEB4FDEC478FB7C7CBFBBAC57BA3EF22C Nonreplayable hash raw-sha1,oracle oracle12c_epsilon H:DC9894A01797D91D92ECA1DA66242209;T:E3243B98974159CC24FD2C9A8B30BA62E0E83B6CA2FC7C55177C3A7F82602E3BDD17CEB9B9091CF9DAD672B8BE961A9EAC4D344BDBA878EDC5DCB5899F689EBD8DD1BE3F67BFF9813A464382381AB36B Nonreplayable hash pbkdf2,oracle12c mysql_probe probe Password mysql-sha1_tere *5AD8F88516BD021DD43F171E2C785C69F8E54ADB Nonreplayable hash mysql-sha1


We'll set ITERATION_TIMEOUT 60 for a quick crack, and ShowCommand true for easy debugging.

resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg CUSTOM_WORDLIST /tmp/wordlist CUSTOM_WORDLIST => /tmp/wordlist resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg ShowCommand true ShowCommand => true resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_DEFAULT_WORDLIST false USE_DEFAULT_WORDLIST => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg DeleteTempFiles false DeleteTempFiles => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_CREDS false USE_CREDS => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_DB_INFO false USE_DB_INFO => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_HOSTNAMES false USE_HOSTNAMES => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg USE_ROOT_WORDS false USE_ROOT_WORDS => false resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> setg ITERATION_TIMEOUT 60 ITERATION_TIMEOUT => 60 resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> use auxiliary/analyze/crack_databases resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> set action hashcat action => hashcat resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> run [+] hashcat Version Detected: v5.1.0 [*] Hashes Written out to /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs [*] Wordlist file written out to /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29687-1u8mjuq [*] Checking mssql hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking mssql hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=dZTr4DsK --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=131 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/wordlist nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking mssql hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=dZTr4DsK --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=131 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking mssql hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=dZTr4DsK --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=131 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29687-1u8mjuq nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1380 mssql mssql_foo FOO Wordlist [*] Checking mssql05 hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking mssql05 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=gKYO7rts --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=132 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/wordlist nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking mssql05 hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=gKYO7rts --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=132 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking mssql05 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=gKYO7rts --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=132 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29687-1u8mjuq nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1379 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Wordlist 1380 mssql mssql_foo FOO Wordlist [*] Checking mssql12 hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking mssql12 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=X5k9f6JY --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=1731 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/wordlist nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking mssql12 hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=X5k9f6JY --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=1731 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking mssql12 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=X5k9f6JY --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=1731 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29687-1u8mjuq nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1379 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Wordlist 1380 mssql mssql_foo FOO Wordlist [*] Checking mysql hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking mysql hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=L2YwjG1w --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=200 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/wordlist nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking mysql hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=L2YwjG1w --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=200 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking mysql hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=L2YwjG1w --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=200 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29687-1u8mjuq nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1379 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Wordlist 1380 mssql mssql_foo FOO Wordlist 1382 mysql mysql_probe probe Wordlist [*] Checking mysql-sha1 hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking mysql-sha1 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=jMcLuSDn --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=300 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/wordlist nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking mysql-sha1 hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=jMcLuSDn --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=300 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking mysql-sha1 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=jMcLuSDn --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=300 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29687-1u8mjuq nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1379 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Wordlist 1380 mssql mssql_foo FOO Wordlist 1382 mysql mysql_probe probe Wordlist 1383 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Wordlist [*] Checking raw-sha1,oracle hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking raw-sha1,oracle hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=zd9AkOJu --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=112 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/wordlist nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking raw-sha1,oracle hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=zd9AkOJu --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=112 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking raw-sha1,oracle hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=zd9AkOJu --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=112 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29687-1u8mjuq nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1379 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Wordlist 1380 mssql mssql_foo FOO Wordlist 1382 mysql mysql_probe probe Wordlist 1383 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Wordlist 1386 raw-sha1,oracle DEMO epsilon Wordlist 1387 raw-sha1,oracle oracle11_epsilon epsilon Wordlist [*] Checking oracle11 hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking oracle11 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=t5k5I14z --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=112 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/wordlist nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking oracle11 hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=t5k5I14z --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=112 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking oracle11 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=t5k5I14z --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=112 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29687-1u8mjuq nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1379 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Wordlist 1380 mssql mssql_foo FOO Wordlist 1382 mysql mysql_probe probe Wordlist 1383 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Wordlist 1386 raw-sha1,oracle DEMO epsilon Wordlist 1387 raw-sha1,oracle oracle11_epsilon epsilon Wordlist [*] Checking oracle12c hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking oracle12c hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=7dadE1Lr --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=12300 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/wordlist nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking oracle12c hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=7dadE1Lr --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=12300 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking oracle12c hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=7dadE1Lr --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=12300 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29687-1u8mjuq nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1379 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Wordlist 1380 mssql mssql_foo FOO Wordlist 1382 mysql mysql_probe probe Wordlist 1383 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Wordlist 1386 raw-sha1,oracle DEMO epsilon Wordlist 1387 raw-sha1,oracle oracle11_epsilon epsilon Wordlist 1388 oracle12c oracle12c_epsilon epsilon Wordlist [*] Checking dynamic_1034 hashes already cracked... [*] Cracking dynamic_1034 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=xtcCnmBc --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=12 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/wordlist nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking dynamic_1034 hashes in incremental mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=xtcCnmBc --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=12 --increment --increment-max=4 --attack-mode=3 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [*] Cracking dynamic_1034 hashes in wordlist mode... [*] Cracking Command: /usr/bin/hashcat --session=xtcCnmBc --logfile-disable --potfile-path=/root/.msf4/john.pot --hash-type=12 --attack-mode=0 --runtime=60 /tmp/hashes_tmp20190531-29687-sp1ejs /tmp/jtrtmp20190531-29687-1u8mjuq nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported [+] Cracked Hashes ============== DB ID Hash Type Username Cracked Password Method ----- --------- -------- ---------------- ------ 1379 mssql05 mssql05_toto toto Wordlist 1380 mssql mssql_foo FOO Wordlist 1382 mysql mysql_probe probe Wordlist 1383 mysql-sha1 mysql-sha1_tere tere Wordlist 1386 raw-sha1,oracle DEMO epsilon Wordlist 1387 raw-sha1,oracle oracle11_epsilon epsilon Wordlist 1388 oracle12c oracle12c_epsilon epsilon Wordlist 1389 dynamic_1034 example password Wordlist [*] Auxiliary module execution completed resource (hashes_hashcat.rb)> creds Credentials =========== host origin service public private realm private_type JtR Format ---- ------ ------- ------ ------- ----- ------------ ---------- mssql05_toto 0x01004086CEB6BF932BC4151A1AF1F13CD17301D70816A8886908 Nonreplayable hash mssql05 mssql_foo 0x0100A607BA7C54A24D17B565C59F1743776A10250F581D482DA8B6D6261460D3F53B279CC6913CE747006A2E3254 Nonreplayable hash mssql mssql12_Password1! 0x0200F733058A07892C5CACE899768F89965F6BD1DED7955FE89E1C9A10E27849B0B213B5CE92CC9347ECCB34C3EFADAF2FD99BFFECD8D9150DD6AACB5D409A9D2652A4E0AF16 Nonreplayable hash mssql12 mysql_probe 445ff82636a7ba59 Nonreplayable hash mysql mysql-sha1_tere *5AD8F88516BD021DD43F171E2C785C69F8E54ADB Nonreplayable hash mysql-sha1 simon 4F8BC1809CB2AF77 Nonreplayable hash des,oracle SYSTEM 9EEDFA0AD26C6D52 Nonreplayable hash des,oracle DEMO S:8F2D65FB5547B71C8DA3760F10960428CD307B1C6271691FC55C1F56554A;H:DC9894A01797D91D92ECA1DA66242209;T:23D1F8CAC9001F69630ED2DD8DF67DD3BE5C470B5EA97B622F757FE102D8BF14BEDC94A3CC046D10858D885DB656DC0CBF899A79CD8C76B788744844CADE54EEEB4FDEC478FB7C7CBFBBAC57BA3EF22C Nonreplayable hash raw-sha1,oracle oracle11_epsilon S:8F2D65FB5547B71C8DA3760F10960428CD307B1C6271691FC55C1F56554A;H:DC9894A01797D91D92ECA1DA66242209;T:23D1F8CAC9001F69630ED2DD8DF67DD3BE5C470B5EA97B622F757FE102D8BF14BEDC94A3CC046D10858D885DB656DC0CBF899A79CD8C76B788744844CADE54EEEB4FDEC478FB7C7CBFBBAC57BA3EF22C Nonreplayable hash raw-sha1,oracle oracle12c_epsilon H:DC9894A01797D91D92ECA1DA66242209;T:E3243B98974159CC24FD2C9A8B30BA62E0E83B6CA2FC7C55177C3A7F82602E3BDD17CEB9B9091CF9DAD672B8BE961A9EAC4D344BDBA878EDC5DCB5899F689EBD8DD1BE3F67BFF9813A464382381AB36B Nonreplayable hash pbkdf2,oracle12c example md5be86a79bf2043622d58d5453c47d4860 Postgres md5 raw-md5,postgres mssql_foo FOO Password mssql05_toto toto Password mysql_probe probe Password mysql-sha1_tere tere Password oracle11_epsilon epsilon Password DEMO epsilon Password oracle12c_epsilon epsilon Password example password Password