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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/dos/http/
Views: 1904

Vulnerable Application

Metasploit Framework before version 5.0.28

Verification Steps

  1. Install Metasploit 5.0.27 or earlier (or checkout before commit 5621d200ccf62e4a8f0dad80c1c74f4e0e52d86b)

  2. Start msfconsole with the target Metasploit instance and start any reverse_http/reverse_https listener

  3. Start this module and set RHOSTS and RPORT to the target listener address and port.

  4. Run the modulest [removed]```

  5. msfconsole should use 99%+ CPU for a varying amount of time depending on the DOSTYPE option. You may need to kill the process manually.



GENTLE: *Current sessions will continue to work, but not future ones* A lack of input sanitation permits an attacker to submit a request that will be added to the resources and will be used as regex rule it is possible then to make a valid regex rule that captures all the new handler requests. The sessions that were established previously will continue to work. SOFT: *No past or future sessions will work* A lack of input sanitation and lack of exception handling causes Metasploit to behave abnormally when looking an appropriate resource for the request, by submitting an invalid regex as a resource. This means that no request, current or future will get served an answer. HARD: *ReDOS or Catastrophic Regex Backtracking* A lack of input sanitization on paths added as resources allows an attacker to execute a catastrophic regex backtracking operation causing a Denial of Service by CPU consumption.


msf5 auxiliary(dos/http/metasploit_httphandler_dos) > run [*] Running module against [*] - Sending DoS packet... ^C[-] Stopping running againest current target... [*] Control-C again to force quit all targets. [*] Auxiliary module execution completed