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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/gather/
Views: 1904

Vulnerable Application

This module allows users to query an LDAP server using either a custom LDAP query, or a set of LDAP queries under a specific category. Users can also specify a JSON or YAML file containing custom queries to be executed using the RUN_QUERY_FILE action. If this action is specified, then QUERY_FILE_PATH must be a path to the location of this JSON/YAML file on disk.

Users can also run a single query by using the RUN_SINGLE_QUERY option and then setting the QUERY_FILTER datastore option to the filter to send to the LDAP server and QUERY_ATTRIBUTES to a comma separated string containing the list of attributes they are interested in obtaining from the results.

As a third option can run one of several predefined queries by setting ACTION to the appropriate value. These options will be loaded from the ldap_queries_default.yaml file located in the MSF configuration directory, located by default at ~/.msf4/ldap_queries_default.yaml.

Note that you can override the default query settings in this way by defining a query with an action name that is the same as one of existing actions in the file at data/auxiliary/gather/ldap_query/ldap_queries_default.yaml. This will however prevent any updates for that action that may be made to the data/auxiliary/gather/ldap_query/ldap_queries_default.yaml file, which may occur as part of Metasploit updates/upgrades, from being used though, so keep this in mind when using the ~/.msf4/ldap_queries_default.yaml file.

All results will be returned to the user in table, CSV or JSON format, depending on the value of the OUTPUT_FORMAT datastore option. The characters || will be used as a delimiter should multiple items exist within a single column.

Verification Steps

  1. Do: use auxiliary/gather/ldap_query

  2. Do: set ACTION <target action>

  3. Do: set RHOSTS <target IP(s)>

  4. Optional: set RPORT <target port> if target port is non-default. 5: Optional: set SSL true if the target port is SSL enabled. 6: Do: run



The output format to use. Can be either csv, table or json for CSV, Rex table output, or JSON output respectively.


The LDAP base DN if already obtained. If not supplied, the module will automatically attempt to find the base DN for the target LDAP server.


If the ACTION is set to RUN_QUERY_FILE, then this option is required and must be set to the full path to the JSON or YAML file containing the queries to be run.

The file format must follow the following convention:

queries: - action: THE ACTION NAME description: "THE ACTION DESCRIPTION" filter: "THE LDAP FILTER" attributes: - dn - displayName - name - description

Where queries is an array of queries to be run, each containing an action field containing the name of the action to be run, a description field describing the action, a filter field containing the filter to send to the LDAP server (aka what to search on), and the list of attributes that we are interested in from the results as an array.


Used only when the RUN_SINGLE_QUERY action is used. This should be set to the filter aka query that you want to send to the target LDAP server.


Used only when the RUN_SINGLE_QUERY action is used. Should be a comma separated list of attributes to display from the full result set for each entry that was returned by the target LDAP server. Used to filter the results down to manageable sets of data.


RUN_SINGLE_QUERY with Table Output

msf6 payload(windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) > use auxiliary/gather/ldap_query msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set BIND_DN BIND_DN => msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set BIND_PW thePassword123 BIND_PW => thePassword123 msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set RHOSTS RHOSTS => msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set ACTION RUN_SINGLE_QUERY ACTION => RUN_SINGLE_QUERY msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set QUERY_ATTRIBUTES dn,displayName,name QUERY_ATTRIBUTES => dn,displayName,name msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set QUERY_FILTER (objectClass=*) QUERY_FILTER => (objectClass=*) msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > run [*] Running module against [+] Successfully bound to the LDAP server! [*] Discovering base DN automatically [+] Discovered base DN: DC=daforest,DC=com [*] Sending single query (objectClass=*) to the LDAP server... [*] DC=daforest DC=com ================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- name daforest [*] CN=Users DC=daforest DC=com =========================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- name Users [*] CN=Computers DC=daforest DC=com =============================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- name Computers *cut for brevity* [*] CN=WAPPS1000022 OU=TST OU=Tier 1 DC=daforest DC=com =================================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- displayname WAPPS1000022 name WAPPS1000022 [*] CN=WLPT1000014 OU=AZR OU=Stage DC=daforest DC=com ================================================= Name Attributes ---- ---------- displayname WLPT1000014 name WLPT1000014 [*] CN=WWKS1000016 OU=T1-Roles OU=Tier 1 OU=Admin DC=daforest DC=com ================================================================ Name Attributes ---- ---------- displayname WWKS1000016 name WWKS1000016 [*] CN=WVIR1000013 OU=Test OU=BDE OU=Tier 2 DC=daforest DC=com ========================================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- displayname WVIR1000013 name WVIR1000013 [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) >

RUN_QUERY_FILE with Table Output

Here is the sample query file we will be using:

$ cat test.yaml --- queries: - action: ENUM_USERS description: "Enumerate users" filter: "(|(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountType=805306368)(objectClass=posixAccount))" columns: - dn - displayName - name - description - action: ENUM_ORGUNITS description: "Enumerate organizational units" filter: "(objectClass=organizationalUnit)" columns: - dn - displayName - name - description - action: ENUM_GROUPS description: "Enumerate groups" filter: "(|(objectClass=group)(objectClass=groupOfNames)(groupType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2147483648)(objectClass=posixGroup))" columns: - dn - name - groupType - memberof

Here is the results of using this file with the RUN_QUERY_FILE action which will run all queries within the file one after another.

msf6 payload(windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) > use auxiliary/gather/ldap_query msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set BIND_DN BIND_DN => msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set BIND_PW thePassword123 BIND_PW => thePassword123 msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set RHOSTS RHOSTS => msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set ACTION RUN_QUERY_FILE ACTION => RUN_QUERY_FILE msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set QUERY_FILE_PATH /home/gwillcox/git/metasploit-framework/test.yaml QUERY_FILE_PATH => /home/gwillcox/git/metasploit-framework/test.yaml msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > show options Module options (auxiliary/gather/ldap_query): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- BASE_DN no LDAP base DN if you already have it DOMAIN no The domain to authenticate to OUTPUT_FORMAT table yes The output format to use (Accepted: csv, table, json) PASSWORD thePassword123 no The password to authenticate with RHOSTS yes The target host(s), see RPORT 389 yes The target port SSL false no Enable SSL on the LDAP connection USERNAME no The username to authenticate with When ACTION is RUN_QUERY_FILE: Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- QUERY_FILE_PATH /home/gwillcox/git/metasploit-framework/test.yaml no Path to the JSON or YAML file to load and run queries from When ACTION is RUN_SINGLE_QUERY: Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- QUERY_ATTRIBUTES no Comma separated list of attributes to retrieve from the server QUERY_FILTER no Filter to send to the target LDAP server to perform the query Auxiliary action: Name Description ---- ----------- RUN_QUERY_FILE Execute a custom set of LDAP queries from the JSON or YAML file specified by QUERY_FILE. msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > run [*] Running module against [+] Successfully bound to the LDAP server! [*] Discovering base DN automatically [+] Discovered base DN: DC=daforest,DC=com [*] Loading queries from /home/gwillcox/git/metasploit-framework/test.yaml... [*] Running ENUM_USERS... [*] CN=Administrator CN=Users DC=daforest DC=com ============================================ Name Attributes ---- ---------- description Built-in account for administering the computer/domain name Administrator [*] CN=Guest CN=Users DC=daforest DC=com ==================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- description Built-in account for guest access to the computer/domain name Guest *cut for brevity* [*] Running ENUM_ORGUNITS... [*] OU=Domain Controllers DC=daforest DC=com ======================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- description Default container for domain controllers name Domain Controllers [*] OU=Admin DC=daforest DC=com =========================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- name Admin [*] OU=Tier 0 OU=Admin DC=daforest DC=com ===================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- name Tier 0 *cut for brevity* [*] Running ENUM_GROUPS... [*] CN=Administrators CN=Builtin DC=daforest DC=com =============================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- grouptype -2147483643 name Administrators [*] CN=Users CN=Builtin DC=daforest DC=com ====================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- grouptype -2147483643 name Users [*] CN=Guests CN=Builtin DC=daforest DC=com ======================================= Name Attributes ---- ---------- grouptype -2147483643 name Guests [*] CN=Print Operators CN=Builtin DC=daforest DC=com ================================================ Name Attributes ---- ---------- grouptype -2147483643 name Print Operators [*] CN=Backup Operators CN=Builtin DC=daforest DC=com ================================================= Name Attributes ---- ---------- grouptype -2147483643 name Backup Operators *cut for brevity* [*] CN=EL-chu-distlist1 OU=T2-Roles OU=Tier 2 OU=Admin DC=daforest DC=com ===================================================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- grouptype -2147483646 name EL-chu-distlist1 [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) >

ENUM_COMPUTERS with Table Output

msf6 > use auxiliary/gather/ldap_query msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set RHOSTS RHOSTS => msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set USERNAME aliddle USERNAME => aliddle msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set PASSWORD Password1! PASSWORD => Password1! msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set DOMAIN msflab.local DOMAIN => msflab.local msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > enum_computers output_format=table [*] Running module against [*] Discovering base DN automatically [+] Discovered base DN: DC=msflab,DC=local [+] Discovered schema DN: DC=msflab,DC=local CN=DC OU=Domain Controllers DC=msflab DC=local ============================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- distinguishedname CN=DC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=msflab,DC=local dnshostname DC.msflab.local lastlogontimestamp 2023-01-30 13:46:10 UTC name DC objectsid S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1001 operatingsystem Windows Server 2019 Standard operatingsystemversion 10.0 (17763) primarygroupid 516 samaccountname DC$ serviceprincipalname Dfsr-12F9A27C-BF97-4787-9364-D31B6C55EB04/DC.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/ForestDnsZones.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/DomainDnsZones.msflab.local || TERMSRV/DC || TERMSRV/DC.msflab.local || DNS/D C.msflab.local || GC/DC.msflab.local/msflab.local || RestrictedKrbHost/DC.msflab.local || RestrictedKrbHost/DC || RPC/741f826d-2ac1-44c4-a07e-f717b0f6eaf6._msdcs.msflab.local || HOST/DC/MSFLAB || HOST/DC.msflab. local/MSFLAB || HOST/DC || HOST/DC.msflab.local || HOST/DC.msflab.local/msflab.local || E3514235-4B06-11D1-AB04-00C04FC2DCD2/741f826d-2ac1-44c4-a07e-f717b0f6eaf6/msflab.local || ldap/DC/MSFLAB || ldap/741f826d-2 ac1-44c4-a07e-f717b0f6eaf6._msdcs.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/MSFLAB || ldap/DC || ldap/DC.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/msflab.local CN=DESKTOP-24B2FAJP CN=Computers DC=msflab DC=local =================================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- distinguishedname CN=DESKTOP-24B2FAJP,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local lastlogontimestamp 2023-01-18 00:28:30 UTC name DESKTOP-24B2FAJP objectsid S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1603 primarygroupid 515 samaccountname DESKTOP-24B2FAJP$ CN=DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE CN=Computers DC=msflab DC=local =================================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- distinguishedname CN=DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local lastlogontimestamp 2023-01-18 14:08:29 UTC name DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE objectsid S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1604 primarygroupid 515 samaccountname DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE$ CN=DESKTOP-MO5E49K8 CN=Computers DC=msflab DC=local =================================================== Name Attributes ---- ---------- distinguishedname CN=DESKTOP-MO5E49K8,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local lastlogontimestamp 2023-01-18 14:09:58 UTC name DESKTOP-MO5E49K8 objectsid S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1605 primarygroupid 515 samaccountname DESKTOP-MO5E49K8$ [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) >


msf6 > use auxiliary/gather/ldap_query msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set RHOSTS RHOSTS => msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set USERNAME aliddle USERNAME => aliddle msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set PASSWORD Password1! PASSWORD => Password1! msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set DOMAIN msflab.local DOMAIN => msflab.local msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > enum_computers output_format=csv [*] Running module against [*] Discovering base DN automatically [+] Discovered base DN: DC=msflab,DC=local [+] Discovered schema DN: DC=msflab,DC=local Name,Attributes "dn","CN=DC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=msflab,DC=local" "distinguishedname","CN=DC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=msflab,DC=local" "name","DC" "primarygroupid","516" "objectsid","S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1001" "samaccountname","DC$" "operatingsystem","Windows Server 2019 Standard" "operatingsystemversion","10.0 (17763)" "dnshostname","DC.msflab.local" "serviceprincipalname","Dfsr-12F9A27C-BF97-4787-9364-D31B6C55EB04/DC.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/ForestDnsZones.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/DomainDnsZones.msflab.local || TERMSRV/DC || TERMSRV/DC.msflab.local || DNS/DC.msflab.local || GC/DC.msflab.local/msflab.local || RestrictedKrbHost/DC.msflab.local || RestrictedKrbHost/DC || RPC/741f826d-2ac1-44c4-a07e-f717b0f6eaf6._msdcs.msflab.local || HOST/DC/MSFLAB || HOST/DC.msflab.local/MSFLAB || HOST/DC || HOST/DC.msflab.local || HOST/DC.msflab.local/msflab.local || E3514235-4B06-11D1-AB04-00C04FC2DCD2/741f826d-2ac1-44c4-a07e-f717b0f6eaf6/msflab.local || ldap/DC/MSFLAB || ldap/741f826d-2ac1-44c4-a07e-f717b0f6eaf6._msdcs.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/MSFLAB || ldap/DC || ldap/DC.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/msflab.local" "lastlogontimestamp","2023-01-30 13:46:10 UTC" Name,Attributes "dn","CN=DESKTOP-24B2FAJP,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local" "distinguishedname","CN=DESKTOP-24B2FAJP,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local" "name","DESKTOP-24B2FAJP" "primarygroupid","515" "objectsid","S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1603" "samaccountname","DESKTOP-24B2FAJP$" "lastlogontimestamp","2023-01-18 00:28:30 UTC" Name,Attributes "dn","CN=DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local" "distinguishedname","CN=DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local" "name","DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE" "primarygroupid","515" "objectsid","S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1604" "samaccountname","DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE$" "lastlogontimestamp","2023-01-18 14:08:29 UTC" Name,Attributes "dn","CN=DESKTOP-MO5E49K8,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local" "distinguishedname","CN=DESKTOP-MO5E49K8,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local" "name","DESKTOP-MO5E49K8" "primarygroupid","515" "objectsid","S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1605" "samaccountname","DESKTOP-MO5E49K8$" "lastlogontimestamp","2023-01-18 14:09:58 UTC" [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) >


msf6 > use auxiliary/gather/ldap_query msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set RHOSTS RHOSTS => msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set USERNAME aliddle USERNAME => aliddle msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set PASSWORD Password1! PASSWORD => Password1! msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > set DOMAIN msflab.local DOMAIN => msflab.local msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > enum_computers output_format=json [*] Running module against [*] Discovering base DN automatically [+] Discovered base DN: DC=msflab,DC=local [+] Discovered schema DN: DC=msflab,DC=local [*] CN=DC OU=Domain Controllers DC=msflab DC=local { "dn": "CN=DC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=msflab,DC=local", "distinguishedname": "CN=DC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=msflab,DC=local", "name": "DC", "primarygroupid": "516", "objectsid": "S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1001", "samaccountname": "DC$", "operatingsystem": "Windows Server 2019 Standard", "operatingsystemversion": "10.0 (17763)", "dnshostname": "DC.msflab.local", "serviceprincipalname": "Dfsr-12F9A27C-BF97-4787-9364-D31B6C55EB04/DC.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/ForestDnsZones.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/DomainDnsZones.msflab.local || TERMSRV/DC || TERMSRV/DC.msflab.local || DNS/DC.msflab.local || GC/DC.msflab.local/msflab.local || RestrictedKrbHost/DC.msflab.local || RestrictedKrbHost/DC || RPC/741f826d-2ac1-44c4-a07e-f717b0f6eaf6._msdcs.msflab.local || HOST/DC/MSFLAB || HOST/DC.msflab.local/MSFLAB || HOST/DC || HOST/DC.msflab.local || HOST/DC.msflab.local/msflab.local || E3514235-4B06-11D1-AB04-00C04FC2DCD2/741f826d-2ac1-44c4-a07e-f717b0f6eaf6/msflab.local || ldap/DC/MSFLAB || ldap/741f826d-2ac1-44c4-a07e-f717b0f6eaf6._msdcs.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/MSFLAB || ldap/DC || ldap/DC.msflab.local || ldap/DC.msflab.local/msflab.local", "lastlogontimestamp": "2023-01-30 13:46:10 UTC" } [*] CN=DESKTOP-24B2FAJP CN=Computers DC=msflab DC=local { "dn": "CN=DESKTOP-24B2FAJP,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local", "distinguishedname": "CN=DESKTOP-24B2FAJP,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local", "name": "DESKTOP-24B2FAJP", "primarygroupid": "515", "objectsid": "S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1603", "samaccountname": "DESKTOP-24B2FAJP$", "lastlogontimestamp": "2023-01-18 00:28:30 UTC" } [*] CN=DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE CN=Computers DC=msflab DC=local { "dn": "CN=DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local", "distinguishedname": "CN=DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local", "name": "DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE", "primarygroupid": "515", "objectsid": "S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1604", "samaccountname": "DESKTOP-CXXIBPAE$", "lastlogontimestamp": "2023-01-18 14:08:29 UTC" } [*] CN=DESKTOP-MO5E49K8 CN=Computers DC=msflab DC=local { "dn": "CN=DESKTOP-MO5E49K8,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local", "distinguishedname": "CN=DESKTOP-MO5E49K8,CN=Computers,DC=msflab,DC=local", "name": "DESKTOP-MO5E49K8", "primarygroupid": "515", "objectsid": "S-1-5-21-3402587289-1488798532-3618296993-1605", "samaccountname": "DESKTOP-MO5E49K8$", "lastlogontimestamp": "2023-01-18 14:09:58 UTC" } [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) >