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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/scanner/dcerpc/
Views: 1904


The hidden scanner connects to a given range of IP addresses and tries to locate any RPC services that are not listed in the Endpoint Mapper and determines if anonymous access to the service is allowed.

Verification Steps

  1. Do: use auxiliary/scanner/dcerpc/hidden

  2. Do: set RHOSTS [IP]

  3. Do: set THREADS [number of threads]

  4. Do: run


msf > use auxiliary/scanner/dcerpc/hidden msf auxiliary(hidden) > set RHOSTS RHOSTS => msf auxiliary(hidden) > set THREADS 55 THREADS => 55 msf auxiliary(hidden) > run [*] Connecting to the endpoint mapper service... [*] Connecting to the endpoint mapper service... [*] Connecting to the endpoint mapper service... ...snip... [*] Connecting to the endpoint mapper service... [*] Connecting to the endpoint mapper service... [*] Could not obtain the endpoint list: DCERPC FAULT => nca_s_fault_access_denied [*] Could not contact the endpoint mapper on [*] Could not obtain the endpoint list: DCERPC FAULT => nca_s_fault_access_denied [*] Could not contact the endpoint mapper on [*] Could not connect to the endpoint mapper service [*] Could not contact the endpoint mapper on [*] Looking for services on [*] HIDDEN: UUID 12345778-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab v0.0 [*] Looking for services on [*] CONN BIND CALL ERROR=DCERPC FAULT => nca_s_fault_ndr [*] [*] HIDDEN: UUID c681d488-d850-11d0-8c52-00c04fd90f7e v1.0 [*] CONN BIND CALL ERROR=DCERPC FAULT => nca_s_fault_ndr [*] [*] HIDDEN: UUID 11220835-5b26-4d94-ae86-c3e475a809de v1.0 [*] CONN BIND ERROR=DCERPC FAULT => nca_s_fault_access_denied [*] [*] HIDDEN: UUID 5cbe92cb-f4be-45c9-9fc9-33e73e557b20 v1.0 [*] CONN BIND ERROR=DCERPC FAULT => nca_s_fault_access_denied [*] [*] HIDDEN: UUID 3919286a-b10c-11d0-9ba8-00c04fd92ef5 v0.0 [*] CONN BIND CALL DATA=0000000057000000 [*] [*] HIDDEN: UUID 1cbcad78-df0b-4934-b558-87839ea501c9 v0.0 [*] CONN BIND ERROR=DCERPC FAULT => nca_s_fault_access_denied [*] [*] HIDDEN: UUID c9378ff1-16f7-11d0-a0b2-00aa0061426a v1.0 [*] CONN BIND ERROR=DCERPC FAULT => nca_s_fault_access_denied [*] [*] Remote Management Interface Error: The connection timed out ( ...snip... [*] Scanned 55 of 55 hosts (100% complete) [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf auxiliary(hidden) >