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Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/scanner/discovery/
Views: 11623
Vulnerable Application
ARP (the Address Resolution Protocol) is a companion protocol to IPv4. Its purpose is to resolve internet layer addresses (as IPv4) of stations on the local network to their corresponding link layer addresses (for example, Ethernet).
(As a side note, in IPv6 this task is assolved by the Neighbour Discovery protocol.)
The discovery is limited to the broadcast domain of the local network; so you cannot discover hosts that aren't directly connected to your LAN.
Target Devices
All the devices on a network should reply to ARP requests for communication and duplicate address detection, so usually every device should be discoverable.
Verification Steps
Here we suppose the local network is
Start msfconsole
use auxiliary/scanner/discovery/arp_sweep
Set the RHOSTS according to your local network. For example, on a network:
set rhosts
An example output on a home network:
Confirming using NMAP
The -PR
flags are utilized to perform ARP/Neighbor Discovery scans.