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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/scanner/misc/
Views: 1904

Vulnerable Application

  • IBM Downloads page:

  • Tested on IBM MQ 7.5, 8 and 9

  • Usage:

    • Download and install MQ Server from the above link

    • Create a new Queue Manager

    • Create a new channel (without SSL)

    • Allow remote connections for admin users by removing the CHLAUTH record that denies all users or configure access for a specific username.

    • Run the module

Verification Steps

  1. Install IBM MQ Server 7.5, 8, or 9

  2. Start msfconsole

  3. Do: use auxiliary/scanner/misc/ibm_mq_login

  4. Do: set channel <admin_channel_name_without_ssl>

  5. Do: set queue_manager <queue_manager_name>

  6. Do: set usernames_file <list_of_usernames>

  7. Do: set rhosts <target_IP>

  8. Do: set rport <port>

  9. Do: run



This option should contain the path to a text file which contains a list of usernames that will be checked. One username per line.


This option should contain the name of the target Queue Manager.


This option should contain the name of a server-connection channel that will be used to connect to the Queue Manager.


This module can be used to identify a list of usernames that are allowed to connect to the Queue Manager. This module requires the name of a valid server-connection channel, the Queue Manager's name which can be obtained by running the following 2 modules:

  • auxiliary/scanner/misc/ibm_mq_channel_brute

  • auxiliary/scanner/misc/ibm_mq_enum After identifying a valid username, MQ Explorer can be used to connect to the Queue Manager using the information gathered.

msf auxiliary(scanner/misc/ibm_mq_login) > run [*] - Found username: admin [*] - Found username: test [+] - Valid usernames found: ["admin", "test"] [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete) [*] Auxiliary module execution completed