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Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/scanner/mqtt/
Views: 16117
Vulnerable Application
Most any MQTT instance will work. Instructions for testing against a Dockerized endpoint are provided below.
Docker Install
A dockerized version of mosquitto is available here. There are two basic scenarios worth discussing -- mosquitto with anonymous authentication allowed and disallowed. The method for running both is similar.
Docker MQTT Server With Anonymous Authentication
By default, mosquitto does not require credentials and allows anonymous authentication. To run in this way:
Docker MQTT Server Without Anonymous Authentication
Msquitto can be configured to require credentials. To run in this way:
Create a simple configuration file:
Create a password file for mosquitto (this example creates a user admin wtth password admin)
Now run the dockerized mosquitto instance, mounting the configuration files from above for use at runtime:
Verification Steps
Install the application without credentials
Start msfconsole
use auxiliary/scanner/mqtt/connect
set rhosts [IPs]
Confirm that the default or non-default credentials are discovered as configured
When specified, this will set the ID of the client when connecting to the MQTT endpoint. While not all MQTT implementation support this, some, like mosquitto, support filtering by client ID and this option can be used in those scenarios. By default, a random ID is selected.
The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for responses from the MQTT endpoint.
Docker MQTT Server With Anonymous Authentication
Configure MQTT in a Docker container without credentials as described above.
Docker MQTT Server Without Anonymous Authentication
Configure MQTT in a Docker container with credentials as described above.