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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/documentation/modules/post/windows/gather/
Views: 1904

Vulnerable Application

This module enumerates patches applied to a Windows system using the WMI query: SELECT HotFixID, InstalledOn FROM Win32_QuickFixEngineering.

Verification Steps

  1. Start msfconsole

  2. Get meterpreter session

  3. Do: use post/windows/gather/enum_patches

  4. Do: set SESSION <session id>

  5. Do: run



Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22000 Build 22000 x64

msf6 post(windows/gather/enum_patches) > set session 1 session => 1 msf6 post(windows/gather/enum_patches) > run [*] Running module against WINDEV2110EVAL ( Installed Patches ================= HotFix ID Install Date --------- ------------ KB5009469 2/27/2022 KB5009641 2/26/2022 KB5011493 3/5/2022 [*] Patch list saved to /root/.msf4/loot/20220911234321_default_192.168.200.140_enum_patches_485106.txt [*] Post module execution completed

Windows 7 SP1 x64

msf6 post(windows/gather/enum_patches) > set session 1 session => 1 msf6 post(windows/gather/enum_patches) > run [*] Running module against TEST ( Installed Patches ================= HotFix ID Install Date --------- ------------ KB2533623 3/29/2019 KB2534111 2/1/2016 KB2639308 3/29/2019 KB2670838 3/29/2019 KB2729094 3/29/2019 KB2731771 3/29/2019 KB2786081 3/29/2019 KB2834140 3/29/2019 KB2841134 3/29/2019 KB2849696 3/29/2019 KB2849697 3/29/2019 KB2882822 3/29/2019 KB2888049 3/29/2019 KB2999226 9/4/2017 KB958488 5/26/2017 KB976902 11/21/2010 [*] Patch list saved to /root/.msf4/loot/20220911233948_default_192.168.200.190_enum_patches_697182.txt [*] Post module execution completed

Windows XP SP3 x86

msf6 post(windows/gather/enum_patches) > set session 1 session => 1 msf6 post(windows/gather/enum_patches) > run [*] Running module against WINXP ( Installed Patches ================= HotFix ID Install Date --------- ------------ KB811113 4/5/2013 KB936929 4/5/2013 Q147222 [*] Patch list saved to /root/.msf4/loot/20220911233635_default_192.168.200.164_enum_patches_552914.txt [*] Post module execution completed