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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/external/source/shellcode/windows/msf2/README
Views: 15995
This directory contains the win32 payload development environment used
for creating the payloads in version 2.2 of the Metasploit Framework.

The 'nasm' executable must be in your path to use the included build tool.

The included 'build' script automatically creates a number of file types
each time it used to compile a payload. These file types are:

    - Native ELF executable
    - Win32 PE executable
    - Generated C source code
    - Raw opcodes in ".bin" format

The PE executable templates were developed by 'rix' and used with permission.

To use this script, simply run ./build <name of payload>, where the name
does not include the ".asm" suffix. To build win32_stage_api.asm, the 
command line would be "./build win32_stage_api". 

The Win32 payloads are somewhat modular, each component includes other
components to create the final payload. The dependency tree for the
reverse connect shell is:


This allows the different components to be maintained invidually, shared 
among multiple payloads, and converted into multi-stage payloads almost
instantly. This release includes the following last-stage payloads:

    Executes cmd.exe with in/out redirected to socket, this is used by
    the reverse connect and bind stagers.
    This payload simply executes an arbitrary command line, it can be used to
    accomplish things such as ftp/download/execute sequences, adding a user
    accounts, or just signaling that the exploit was successful.
    Writes GetProcAddress/LoadLibaryA address to socket, then reads and execs 
    the rest of the payload from the socket. This allows us to send InlineEgg
    generated payloads as a last stage.

    Reads a file size from socket, then opens up a hidden/system local file
    (c:\metasploit.exe) and downloads the executable from the socket into this
    file. Once the download is complete, it then executes this file with in/out
    redirected to the socket. This can be extremely useful when combined with
    a self-extracting/executing rootkit or language intepreter (perl.exe).