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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/lib/anemone/docs/README.rdoc
Views: 1904
= Anemone

Anemone is a web spider framework that can spider a domain and collect useful
information about the pages it visits. It is versatile, allowing you to
write your own specialized spider tasks quickly and easily.

See for more information.

== Features
* Multi-threaded design for high performance
* Tracks 301 HTTP redirects
* Built-in BFS algorithm for determining page depth
* Allows exclusion of URLs based on regular expressions
* Choose the links to follow on each page with focus_crawl()
* HTTPS support
* Records response time for each page
* CLI program can list all pages in a domain, calculate page depths, and more
* Obey robots.txt
* In-memory or persistent storage of pages during crawl, using TokyoCabinet, MongoDB, or Redis

== Examples
See the scripts under the <tt>lib/anemone/cli</tt> directory for examples of several useful Anemone tasks.

== Requirements
* nokogiri
* robots

== Development
To test and develop this gem, additional requirements are:
* rspec
* fakeweb
* tokyocabinet
* mongo
* redis

You will need to have {Tokyo Cabinet}[], {MongoDB}[], and {Redis}[] installed on your system and running.