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GitHub Repository: rapid7/metasploit-framework
Path: blob/master/scripts/resource/run_all_post.rc
Views: 1904
# run_all_post.rc
# Author: mubix

# This is a sample resource script demonstrating a technique of running
# a single post module against several active sessions at once. The post
# module should be the currently active module, with sessions from other
# modules already established via exploit -j or an equivalent.

# Usage example
# msf  exploit(psexec) > use post/windows/gather/checkvm 
# msf  post(checkvm) > resource scripts/resource/run_all_post.rc 
# [*] Processing scripts/resource/run_all_post.rc for ERB directives.
# [*] resource (scripts/resource/run_all_post.rc)> Ruby Code (189 bytes)
# SESSION => 1
# [*] Running post/windows/gather/checkvm against session 1
# [*] Checking if WIN2K3TARGET is a Virtual Machine .....
# [*] This is a VMware Virtual Machine
# [*] Post module execution completed
# SESSION => 2
# [*] Running post/windows/gather/checkvm against session 2
# [*] Checking if WIN2K8TARGET is a Virtual Machine .....
# [*] This is a VMware Virtual Machine
# [*] Post module execution completed
# msf  post(checkvm) >  

framework.sessions.each_key do |session|
	run_single("set SESSION #{session}")
	print_status("Running #{active_module.fullname} against session #{session}")
	sleep 1