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Math 152: Intro to Mathematical Software
Kiran Kedlaya; University of California, San Diego
adapted from lectures by William Stein, University of Washington
Lecture 10: Linear Algebra (part 1)
The week 4 feedback survey is still open:
The "solutions" for HW 3, i.e., the original TeX files that I used to make the answer samples, are available as a new handout.
If you think you are on the waitlist and did not receive an email yesterday asking you to reconfirm your interest in enrolling in the class, please let me know before I leave class today.
References for today's material:
Linear algebra quickref:
Linear algebra reference manual:
1.5, 4.4, 4.16, of Sage For Undergraduates:
Warning: Linear algebra code in Sage is a mix of very fast functionality written by researchers, and some VERY slow functionality added for educational purposes in made by teachers, with no cleer warning either way. Also functionality that was written by researchers that used to be fast, but was "accidentally" made slow by somebody later.
2. Standard functions:
characteristic polynomial
echelon form
row space
column space
rows, columns
matrix_from_rows, matrix_from_columns