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Project: Math 152 - Winter 2017
Views: 17362Is there a formula?
From last time...
A mathematical question: Is there a simple formula for similar to the formula ?
Better yet, you can use Sage to discover it!
Aside: a couple of ways you could have discovered this formula yourself:
Use the identity
Write in terms of and sum the resulting geometric series.
625 loops, best of 3: 663 µs per loop
625 loops, best of 3: 341 µs per loop
<sage.ext.interpreters.wrapper_rdf.Wrapper_rdf object at 0x7fa97c11a788>
625 loops, best of 3: 587 ns per loop
1000x speedup!
CPU time: 2.08 s, Wall time: 2.12 s
So the net speedup from our first attempt is a factor of several million in speed.
Exercise now: Draw a plot of the function for various values of ...