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Math 152 - Intro to Mathematical Software


Kiran Kedlaya; University of California, San Diego

adapted from lectures by William Stein, University of Washington

Guest lecturer (and worksheet author): Kartik Venkatram

** Lecture 26: Public key cryptography and number theory, part 1 **


  • Kiran will be monitoring the chat room this hour.

  • No sections today.

  • Additional guest lecture Wednesday: Alina Bucur

  • Office hours this week:

    • Zonglin: Thursday, March 16, 3:30-5:30 in APM 5748.

    • Kiran: Friday, March 17, 11-12 in APM 7202.

    • Peter: Friday, March 17, 12-1 and 3-4 in APM 6132.

  • Homework due Friday, 8pm. Peer grading due Sunday, 8pm.

  • No final exam!

  • Please do your course evaluation (CAPE)! Evaluations close Monday, March 20 at 8am.

# Let's make the field of integers modulo 23. For historical reasons, it is called a "Galois field" p = 23 F = GF(p) print F print "13+17 = ", F(13)+F(17) print "13*17 = ", F(13)*F(17)
Finite Field of size 23 13+17 = 7 13*17 = 14
print ?, ?
File: Docstring :
a = F(13) b = 5 c = a^b print a, "^", b, "=", c print "log_", a, c, "=", c.log(a)
13 ^ 5 = 4 log_ 13 4 = 5
m = euler_phi(p) print "phi(p) =", m print "powers of 5:", [F(5)^a for a in range(2*m)] print "powers of 2:", [F(2)^a for a in range(2*m)]
phi(p) = 22 powers of 5: [1, 5, 2, 10, 4, 20, 8, 17, 16, 11, 9, 22, 18, 21, 13, 19, 3, 15, 6, 7, 12, 14, 1, 5, 2, 10, 4, 20, 8, 17, 16, 11, 9, 22, 18, 21, 13, 19, 3, 15, 6, 7, 12, 14] powers of 2: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 9, 18, 13, 3, 6, 12, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 9, 18, 13, 3, 6, 12, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 9, 18, 13, 3, 6, 12, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 9, 18, 13, 3, 6, 12]
e = randint(1, 11) c = F(2)^e %timeit c.log(F(2)) p = 3408871799 F2 = GF(p) e = randint(1, (p-1)/2) c = F2(2)^e %timeit c.log(F2(2))
625 loops, best of 3: 98.2 µs per loop 5 loops, best of 3: 137 ms per loop
%latex \noindent Though this doesn't look so bad, it is still 1000x worse...practical implementations of Diffie-Hellman use 1000 bit primes (or larger), for which discrete logarithms are believed to be extremely difficult. \section*{Diffie-Hellman} Next, let's use our machinery to construct a Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol: here are the steps. \begin{enumerate} \item Alice and Bob (publicly) agree on a large prime $p$, modulo which all computations will take place, and a generator $g$ of $GF(p)$. \item Alice chooses a secret, random integer $a$ between $0$ and $p-1$, while Bob chooses a secret random integer $b$ in the same range. \item Alice (publicly) transmits $A=g^a\mod p$ to Bob, while Bob (publicly) transmits $B=g^b\mod p$ to Alice. \item Alice and Bob both compute $g^{ab}\mod p = B^a\mod p = A^b\mod p$, and use that value as their shared secret. \end{enumerate} Now, if Eve wants to find their shared secret, she has to be able to compute $g^{ab}$ only knowing $g$, $g^a$, and $g^b$. This is called the \emph{Diffie-Hellman problem}, and is believed to be as hard as computing discrete logarithms in general. You should have all the tools to make this yourself: please fill in the outline below.
# Public stuff p = random_prime(2^64) Fp = GF(p) g = Fp.multiplicative_generator() # Alice's private and public keys a = ? A = ? # Bob's private and public keys b = ? B = ? # Alice computes the shared secret K_alice = ? # Bob computes the shared secret K_bob = ? # Finally, check that they are the same K_alice == K_bob
%latex \noindent And that's it! Alice and Bob have a shared secret, which they can use to send messages. \section*{Attacking Diffie-Hellman} We're going to consider two attacks on Diffie-Hellman key exchange: the first is a \emph{brute force} attack on the system, while the second is an attack which works if $p$ is a \emph{weak Diffie-Hellman prime}. In both cases, we're actually going to attack the discrete logarithm problem directly. That is, given $g^a$ for some unknown $a$, find $a$ The simplest brute force attack, of course, is simply \emph{exhaustion}. That is, just try every value until we find a hit. Let's try this on a particularly small example.
p = previous_prime(2^20) Fp = GF(p) g = Fp.multiplicative_generator() # Alice's public key, based on an "unknown" random number A = g^(randint(2, p-1)) # Now let's find it def exhaust(g, A): for a in range(2, g.multiplicative_order()): if g^a == A: return a %time print A, g^exhaust(g,A)
425438 425438 CPU time: 0.18 s, Wall time: 0.19 s
%latex \noindent Try the above with a larger prime, say one with 20 bits. Hint: you can get a random n-bit prime by doing {\tt random\_prime($2^n$)}. How much harder is it? There are better brute-force attacks which use memory to reduce the amount of computation required. We will talk about one particular one, called \emph{baby-step giant-step}, which works as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item Compute $m=\lfloor\sqrt{p-1}\rfloor$ \item For $e=0,\ldots,m-1$, compute and store $g^e\mod p$ along with the index $e$. \item For $f=0,\ldots,m-1$, compute $A*g^{-fm}\mod p$, and check if it's in the list above. If it is, stop, and output the pair $(e,f)$. \end{enumerate} If the above produces an output, we know that $g^e \equiv g^{a-fm}\mod p$, i.e. $e \equiv a-fm\mod p-1$, i.e. $a \equiv e+fm\mod p-1$. Moreover, since we can always write $a<p-1$ as $e+fm$ for $e,f < m$, this algorithm should always output. Now, let's try it out.
p=4294967291 # a 32-bit prime Fp = GF(p) g = Fp.multiplicative_generator() # Construct random public key as before A = g^randint(0,p-1) def bsgs(g, A): # Step 1 m = floor(sqrt(g.multiplicative_order())) # Step 2 small_g_powers = {g^e:e for e in range(m)} # Step 3 gpow = A mult = g^(-m) for f in range(m): if gpow in small_g_powers: return small_g_powers[gpow]+f*m gpow *= mult %time print A, g^bsgs(g, A)
3059695168 3059695168 CPU time: 0.21 s, Wall time: 0.20 s
%latex \noindent Note that we were able to break a 32-bit problem faster than the exhaustive approach broke a 20-bit problem. Try going a little higher, say a 40-bit prime. Finally, let's look at one attack involving a potential weakness of the prime $p$, namely that $p-1$ has smaller factors. Assume $p-1 = q_1*q_2$ for $q_1, q_2$ relatively prime factors of size $\approx \sqrt{p}$. Since $x^{p-1}\mod p = 1$ for any $x$, $(x^{q_1})^{q_2}\mod p = 1$ for any $x$. That is, if we only look at elements with are $q_1$-powers of something, they have order $q_2$. An analogous thing happens if we switch $q_1$ and $q_2$. We use this to recover $a\mod q_1$ and $a\mod q_2$, from which we can use the Chinese Remainder Theorem (which you learned earlier) to recover $a$. \begin{enumerate} \item Find the discrete logarithm of $A^{q_1}$ with respect to $g^{q_1}$ using one of the algorithms above, i.e. $a_2$ such that $g^{a_2*q_1} = A^{q_1}$. This implies that $a_2*q_1 \equiv a*q_1\mod q-1$, i.e. $a_2\equiv a\mod q_2$. \item Find the discrete logarithm of $A^{q_2}$ with respect to $g^{q_2}$ using one of the algorithms above, i.e. $a_1$ such that $g^{a_1*q_2} = A^{q_2}$. This implies that $a_1*q_2 \equiv a*q_2\mod q-1$, i.e. $a_1\equiv a\mod q_1$. \item Compute $a = CRT(a_1, a_2, q_1, q_2)$. \end{enumerate}
# Let's find a particularly nice p of the appropriate form q_1 = previous_prime(2**32) for q_2 in range(2**32-1000, 2**32): p = q_1*q_2+1 if is_prime(p): break print "p = ", p print "p-1 = ", factor(p-1)
p = 18446739937656050359 p-1 = 2 * 3^2 * 13^2 * 1411889 * 4294967291
Fp = GF(p) g = Fp.multiplicative_generator() # Make Alice's public key as usual A = g^(randint(1,p-1)) def crt_attack(g, A, q_1, q_2): a_2 = bsgs(g^q_1, A^q_1) a_1 = bsgs(g^q_2, A^q_2) return crt(a_1, a_2, q_1, q_2) %time print A, g^crt_attack(g, A, q_1, q_2)
4541974040081333206 4541974040081333206 CPU time: 0.54 s, Wall time: 0.53 s
%latex \noindent Now, it turns out that the Chinese remainder theorem actually works with any number of relatively prime moduli, i.e. we can work with all the factors of $p-1$ independently. In particular, no matter how large $p$ is, if $p-1$ can be factored into small values, we can use this technique to quickly attack the discrete logarithm problem modulo $p$.