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Kernel: SageMath (stable)

Math 152 - Intro to Mathematical Software


Kiran Kedlaya; University of California, San Diego

adapted from lectures by William Stein, University of Washington

Guest lecturer: Alina Bucur

** Lecture 27: Public key cryptography and number theory, part 2 **


  • Office hours this week:

    • Zonglin: Thursday, March 16, 3:30-5:30 in APM 5748.

    • Kiran: Friday, March 17, 11-12 in APM 7202.

    • Peter: Friday, March 17, 12-1 and 3-4 in APM 6132.

  • Homework due Friday, 8pm. Peer grading due Sunday, 8pm.

  • No final exam!

  • Please do your course evaluation (CAPE)! Evaluations close Monday, March 20 at 8am.

Last time, we saw how to use the difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem to execute a Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

This time, we will use the difficulty of integer factorization to perform RSA encryption and decryption.

To begin with, one needs two large primes pp and qq, preferably of comparable size; one then computes N=pqN = pq. The values pp and qq must be kept private, but the value of NN will be made public. (Having pp and qq be of comparable size is important because otherwise, one can try to use a factorization technique that looks specifically for the smaller prime factor, e.g., trial division.)

p = random_prime(2^512) q = random_prime(2^512) N = p*q print(N)
factor(N) ## This won't work.

Since we know the factorization of NN as pqp*q, we can compute the Euler phi function φ(N)=(p1)(q1)\varphi(N) = (p-1)(q-1). This must be kept secret!

ph = (p-1)*(q-1) print ph

Let's say we want to have a public key for encryption and a secret key for decryption. We pick a value ee coprime to φ(N)\varphi(N) and make that public. We then compute the reciprocal of ee mod φ(N)\varphi(N), called dd, and keep that private.

e = random_prime(2^64) d = e^(-1) % ph print e, d

Now suppose someone wants to send us a secure message. The message must first be transformed into an integer (having no common factor with NN, but this is essentially automatic because NN has only huge prime factors).

s = "MEET ME AT LA JOLLA COVE" m = Integer("".join(str(ord(i)) for i in s)) m

Our correspondent encrypts mm by computing me(modN)m^e \pmod{N}. In addition to mm, this uses only the public information of ee and NN.

t = power_mod(m, e, N) t

We receive the ciphertext tt and then decrypt it by computing td(modN)t^d \pmod{N}. This uses the private information of dd.

m1 = power_mod(t, d, N) m1

Finally, we translate this integer back into a string.

s1 = str(m1) l = [int(s1[i:i+2]) for i in range(0, len(s1), 2)] s2 = "".join(str(chr(int(i))) for i in l) s2

Exercise: decrypt the following ciphertext.

t = 59873471716565803944771270128085762601539360364470353235906296955219120670271150480102119909806465275933886969796440538053292644178392537227649511499411626195432361095619438807522877706183346812568483348689251578790989056777780744964233590108786257841933909842779901814699479096055916059332555272527558592132

One can also do this in reverse: we can use the secret key to encode a message which anyone can decrypt using the public key. This is an example of authentication: the fact that the message decrypts correctly proves that we must have sent it, because (presumably) no one other than us has access to the secret information needed to compute the secret key!

This demonstration is an oversimplification for several reasons: see

The security of RSA depends on the practical difficulty of factoring NN. (In principle, there might exist a method for breaking RSA without directly factoring NN, but no such techniques are currently known.) See for some "factoring records".

As with Diffie-Hellman, the performance of RSA is inferior to that of symmetric encryption systems of comparable security. One thus typically uses RSA to encrypt/decrypt a key to then be used for symmetric encryption/decryption.

In addition to being the most widely used public key cryptographic system on the internet, RSA can also be used in SMART CARDS.

Smart cards have a tiny chip embedded in them that allows the card to communicate with the bank through, say, the ATM.

The bank chooses two large primes pp and qq and computes the modulus N=pq.N = pq. It programs each card with the RSA encryption with an encryption exponent ee specific to that card.

p = random_prime(2^512) q = random_prime(2^512) N = p*q print(N)

The bank needs to compute φ(N),\varphi(N), which it can do since it knows pp and q.q.

ph = (p-1)*(q-1) print ph

Upon receiving the card, the customer chooses a PIN. The bank stores in each customer account the PIN and the decrypting exponent d.d. Note that the customer does not know d.d.

e = random_prime(2^64) d = e^(-1) % ph print 'encryption exponent program in the chip e =', e print 'decryption exponent stored by the bank d =', d

When the customer inserts the card at an ATM and enters the PIN, the bank retrieves dd from the customer file, picks a random integer M<NM<N and sends Md(modN)M^d \pmod N to the card.

M = ZZ.random_element(1,2^100) t = power_mod (M, d , N) print M print t

The card computes M=te(modN)M = t^e \pmod N and sends (M+1)e(modN)(M+1)^e \pmod N to the bank.

MC = power_mod(t,e,N) MC - M
r = power_mod(MC+1, e, N) print r

The bank computes rd(modN)=((M+1)d)e(modN)M+1(modN)r^d \pmod N = ((M+1)^d)^e \pmod N \equiv M +1 \pmod N and checks that rM=1.r - M=1. If this holds, it accepts that the card is genuine.

power_mod(r,d,N)- M

Key point: The ATM only sees Md(modN)M^d\pmod N and (M+1)e(modN)(M+1)^e\pmod N go through and cannot recover e,e, which is the crucial piece of information that the card contains.