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<h1>Kiran Sridhara Kedlaya</h1>

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Professor of Mathematics<br />
Stefan E. Warschawski Chair in Mathematics<br />
<a href="">Department of Mathematics</a>, Room 7202 <br />
<a href="">University of California, San Diego</a> <br />
9500 Gilman Drive #0112 <br />
La Jolla, CA 92093-0112 <br />
phone: (1) 858-534-2629 <br />
fax: (1) 858-534-5273 <br />
email: <span style="font-family: monospace;">ked<!-- -->laya</span>[at]<span style="font-family: monospace;">ucsd</span>[dot]<span style="font-family: monospace;">edu</span> (<a href="ucsd-pubkey.txt">public key</a>) <br />
social media: none. If you find an account, that's not me!


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Some of the more useful parts of this site are linked from the
navigation bar at left. Also available:
<li> <a href="">Notes for potential students</a></li>
<li> <a href="">Questions of interest</a></li>
<li> <a href="">Recommendation letters</a></li>
<li> <a href="">UCSD number theory seminar</a>
<li> <a href="">The Nonarchimedean Scottish Book</a>


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<h2>News (see also <a href="">past news</a>)</h2> 

Lecture notes for <a href="">Arizona Winter School 2017: Perfectoid Spaces</a> are posted. (4 Feb 17)

To my colleagues: if you haven't done so 
already, you may wish to consider signing onto the <a href="">Academics Against Immigration Executive Order</a> online petition.
(29 Jan 17)

Reminder: my old conference list in arithmetic geometry is no longer supported. See my <a href="confs.cgi">new list</a> instead. (29 Jan 17)

The <a href="">website</a> for the
UTMOST (Undergraduate Teaching in Mathematics with Open Software and Textbooks) project has been updated. (8 Jan 17)

To my funded colleagues: if you use <a href="">Sage</a> as much as (or more than) I do, I propose that you do what I did: get a professional membership to <a href="">SageMathCloud</a> as a way to promote further Sage development. (24 Apr 16)

<h2>Fast facts (see also <a href="vita.shtml">my CV</a>)</h2>

Teaching: during winter 2016, I will be teaching <a href="">Math 152: Intro to Mathematical Software</a> and 
<a href="">Math 204B: Number Theory</a>.
See my <a href="">past courses</a>.
Research areas: number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry.
Specialties: <i>p</i>-adic analytic methods in arithmetic geometry,
<i>p</i>-adic Hodge theory, algorithms in arithmetic geometry,
interactions between arithmetic geometry and computer science.
Editorial activity: <a href="http://">Algebra and Number Theory</a>,
<a href="">Nagoya Mathematical Journal</a>,
<a href="">L-Functions and Modular Forms Database</a>.
Note that I am no longer an editor for <a href="">International Mathematics Research Notices</a>.
Directorial activity: 
<a href="">USA Mathematical Olympiad</a> committee, 
<a href="">Art 
of Problem Solving Foundation</a> board of directors (this includes governance of
<a href="">BEAM: Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics</a>),
Pro Mathematica Arte board of directors (this includes governance of
<a href="">Budapest Semesters in Mathematics</a>
<a href="">Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education</a>).
Current grants: 
NSF grant DMS-1501214 (sole PI); NSF RTG grant DMS-1502651 (co-PI).
In addition, I am on the advisory board of the NSF-funded <a href="">UTMOST project</a>.

Other: I am an active user and developer of the <a href="">Sage</a>
open-source computer algebra system, both as a standalone application and via the <a href="">SageMathCloud</a> web portal.

<h3>Fine print</h3>

Opinions expressed on this site do not reflect the views of past or present employers or financial backers. Conversely, off-site material does not reflect my views unless it
indicates my authorship.

This site has not been (and may never be) optimized for viewing on mobile phones and other small screens.

This site is independently hosted. Consequently, its future accessibility 
may be degraded by weakening of the <a href="">Federal Communications Commission net neutrality policy</a>.

